Join The Carousel of Happiness on our mission to inspire happiness, well-being, and service to others through stories and experiences...

With 57 whimsical, hand-carved animals atop a 1910 carousel, spinning to the music of a 1913 Wurlitzer band organ, we are a piece of living folk art. When you take a ride, buy a "Don't Delay Joy" mug, or make a donation, you are keeping this special piece of history alive with us. The Carousel of Happiness attracts people of all ages and abilities. Since our opening in 2010, we've given over 10,000 free rides and sold 1,000,000 tickets, as well as welcomed over 200 different groups and utilized tens of thousands of volunteer hours.

Use the links below to learn more about Scott and the amazing and unique story of the Carousel of Happiness...
Atlas Obscura article and short video
Voyage Denver article "Hidden Gems: Meet Scott Harrison"
"Carving Joy" documentary ($10 rental on Vimeo; proceeds support the carousel!)
A fun way to keep the carousel spinning is to Adopt a Part of the Carousel!
Donations help to keep our century-old mechanism well-maintained and accessible to all, while creating happiness and joy for those who visit.
Get Your Thank-You Gift!
A special price on our brand new book, Carousel Soul: Inside the Carousel of Happiness.
This book takes you on a journey through the whimsy and magic behind our special place, written by our Founder and Carver, Scott Harrison.

For a Gift of $200 or more, you will get a link to purchase your book for just $1!
For a Gift of $150 to $199, you will get a link to purchase your book for just $30
It is a special thank-you gift for all of YOU who share in the magic of the Carousel of Happiness with us :)
We can ship these books anywhere in the country, or you can pick it up at the Carousel House. Available in the gift shop for $75 retail price starting 11/7/24.