Pote Law Firm is raising critical funding for Cottonwood Institute

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Cottonwood Institute

All children should be able to experience the beauty and wonder of nature and appreciate their natural environment. Please help the children


raised by 6 people

$1,000 goal

Incentive Fund

Amount: $1000

Provided By: Pote Law Firm

Details: All donations will be matched by Pote Law Firm up to our sponsorship level of $1,000. Please give whatever you can. Together we can advance the phenomenal mission of CI and the children they support during these challenging economic times.


This year we are raising critical funding for Cottonwood Institute and its students! Cottonwood Institute is a wonderful organization whose mission is to get traditionally underserved children out into nature to teach them to be environmentally aware and to empower them to become youth leaders who give back to our community.

Pote Law Firm will be matching donations up to our sponsorship level of $1,000. Please pitch in whatever you can. Together we can advance the phenomenal mission of CI and the children they support during these challenging economic times.

You can learn more about Cottonwood Institute here: https://www.cottonwoodinstitute.org/
#WeMove4CI #ColoradoGives #AllinThisTogether

This fundraiser supports

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Cottonwood Institute

Organized By Jeffrey Pote

Giving Activity


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