Epic Experience Alumni Team

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Epic Experience
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Join the Epic Experience Alumni Team in making a difference in the lives of adult cancer thrivers.


raised by 8 people

$5,000 goal

The Epic Experience Alumni Team is a group of thrivers that has attended an Epic Experience Program.  The team brings together insight and colaboration to the Epic Experience staff to keep us grounded in our mission to empower adult cancer thrivers to live beyond cancer. 

Sabine is a primary brain tumor survivor, Ph.D., German emigrant to the U.S., mom to a little girl, avid yogi and rock climber. She loves traveling and photography as much as volunteering for Epic.

Brad stumbled across an article about a donation to Epic Experience and applied that night. Attending the January '17 Snow Apocalypse camp changed his outlook and gave him some dear friends that know him like no one else. 

Gail is an editor, writer, reader, exerciser, nature admirer, photography dabbler, and ovarian cancer survivor. After hearing about Epic through two former campers, Gail attended a winter camp in 2016 and had a blast!

Jordan was diagnosed with Uveal Melanoma, a rare eye cancer that forced the removal of his right eye in September 2016. He now wears a prosthetic eye, which he considers a monument to his cancers demise. 

Rebecca is a survivor of Hodgkin’s lymphoma and breast cancer. She felt like she gained a whole new family and looks forward to others with to survive and thrive beyond cancer.

Jason attended the first men's camp at the 7W Ranch. In 2018, he was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer and genetic testing revealed he had Lynch Syndrome. 

Amanda "Semi" Blackburn comes to you from Louisville Kentucky! She is a Colorectal Cancer Survivor....camp name “Semi” due to her semi colon.

Carly attended camp in July of 2019 and her experience at camp taught her that she can push her body to its limits and still enjoy every minute of every day.

Kristine is an Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) survivor and bone marrow transplant (BMT) recipient. Epic Experience was recommended by one of her nurses during treatment at the University of Colorado

Nate is a survivor of testicular cancer and was introduced to Epic Experience as a summer camper in 2022 and returned as a volunteer for a winter camp in 2023.

Denny attended Epic Experience in
March 2023. After camp, he realized the need to pay it forward and became a camp volunteer to help
other cancers survivors

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