Be a part of a Thriving Arts Scene!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
OpenStage Theatre & CompanyI am hosting a fundraiser to support OpenStage Theatre & Company this Colorado Gives season!
raised by 12 people
$500 goal
Be a part of a Thriving Arts Scene!
I love working for OpenStage because it adheres to many of my values as an arts administrator. They truly bring something special to Fort Collins and maintain a high standard of quality work in Northern Colorado. I believe that OST&C is a major contributor to the thriving arts scene that exists in Northern Colorado and it makes me proud to be a part of an organization that continually strives to not only produce quality work, but to also constantly evaluate how they could be improving all around.
OpenStage Theatre & Company believes theatre opens the heart and mind. They work with 150+ local artists every season and it's a company whose mission I believe strongly in. Please support exceptional live theatre in Fort Collins and help me reach my fundraising goal!
I have had the pleasure of working with this amazing organization at varying capacities since 2017. In my first season as Managing Director, I am elated to feature OpenStage as my nonprofit of choice this Colorado Gives Day. I hope you'll donate not only to my fundraiser, but to OpenStage so we can continue bringing bigger-than-life theatre to the Fort Collins community for another year to come!