The Children's Treehouse Foundation

A nonprofit organization

"The hardest part of my cancer journey has been telling my 9 and 11 year-old daughters that I have cancer." 

Not chemo, not exhaustion, not hair loss; telling her kids. 

The Children's Treehouse Foundation created the CLIMB® program to provide invaluable support to families impacted by cancer. Our art-based, evidence-backed program helps reduce stress for families by equipping adults and children with the tools to confront challenging emotions. Education and a shared vocabulary helps nurture communication to keep families strong.

This year 749,000 children will be told, "Your mom/dad has cancer." Help us continue to get CLIMB® into new facilities, because the need is already there. 


Cancer centers revere our program, as evidenced by these statements:

"The Children's Treehouse Foundation's CLIMB® Program has been an invaluable tool for the oncology patients, children, and staff at MD Anderson throughout the past eight years. CLIMB® not only benefits the professionals who receive training by providing practical tools to implement the program, it also provides an immeasurable experience and crucial support to the families who participate. Over the years, we have assisted more than 150 children and their parents, and the coping support they receive through the program is priceless."
-Marisa B. Nowitz, MSW, LCSW, Social Work Counselor
The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.
and this:

"We absolutely love the CLIMB® Program and all 10 kids are coming. This is the most rewarding program I have ever done in my career!"
- Blair Edgar, LCSW, Oncology Social Worker, Sacred Heart Cancer Center, Pensacola, FL

Antonica has breast cancer and two families; older children from her first marriage and four younger children ranging in age from 7 - 12 from her current marriage. She had a "we can talk about anything about my cancer" policy with her children. Her four younger children went through CLIMB®, our support program, and Antonica learned that her open approach was still not enough. CLIMB® helped her know her kids weren't talking to her about her cancer because they didn't want to upset her or make her worse! The CLIMB® Program is what helped Antonica create the "open" policy she was after.

There's more. Antonica's 24-year-old daughter was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. Instead of the younger children being overlooked because no one knew quite what to say to them, they became part of the treatment plan. Because of what they learned in CLIMB® they went with their older sister to her first hospital visit, introduced her to the doctors; showed her the treatment machines they had learned about in CLIMB®. They were empowered to be part of the solution for their older sister.


Our Mission: To ensure that every child whose parent is diagonosed with cancer is given the early tools and emotional support to cope.

Our Vision: We envision a world where preventing the inevitable psychosocial impact on children whose parents have cancer is taken as seriously as finding a cure for cancer itself.

Our Goal is to have the CLIMB® Program operating in every cancer center in the US by 2030 and in as many international cancer centers as possible.

Background Statement

The Children's Treehouse Foundation was founded as a 501(c)(3) organization in 2001 with its mission to provide professional support for children impacted by their parent's cancer. We created a psychosocial intervention, group-support program for children whose parents have cancer. Our support program for kids age 6-11 is called CLIMB® - Children's Lives Include Moments of Bravery. It helps to normalize feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear and anger for the kids and stimulates improved communication between the children and their parents.

The Children's Treehouse Foundation trains oncology social workers, child life specialists and/or nurses at local cancer centers to deliver the program. They are trained to establish and run the program at their hospital/cancer center and everyone who completes the training is provided with a comprehensive program manual.

As a result, our CLIMB® Program is currently provided, entirely free, at 58 cancer centers in 25 states and 24 locations in 5 foreign counties. Additional cancer centers in additional states adopt the support program every year.

Organization Data


Organization name

The Children's Treehouse Foundation

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Diseases, Disorders & Medical Disciplines

Organization Size

Small Organization


3333 S Wadsworth Blvd Unit D318
Lakewood, CO 80227

Service areas

Jefferson County, CO, US



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