Colorado Public Interest Research Foundation Inc

A nonprofit organization

$21,866 raised by 133 donors

We stand up to powerful special interests on behalf of the public, protecting Coloradans and promoting good government. We expose problems, craft solutions, educate the public and organize for change. We are currently working on transportation, public health, democracy, clean air, recycling and consumer protection.


CoPIRG Foundation's mission is to deliver persistent, results-oriented public interest activism that protects consumers, encourages a fair, sustainable economy and fosters responsive, democratic government.

The CoPIRG Foundation works to educate the public through the media, generate grassroots support around timely issues, mobilize citizens to vote, build coalitions, foster increased civic awareness and engagement, and provide policy expertise so that we can achieve concrete results that positively impact the lives of Coloradans on public interest issues.

Background Statement

The CoPIRG Foundation, working with a network of other State PIRGs across the country, has been a voice for the public interest in Colorado since 1983.

CoPIRG Foundation's ground-breaking research has led to increased support for transit, walking, and biking; resulted in dozens of recalls for dangerous toys and toxic products; improved the safety of the food in the National School Lunch program and developed policy solutions for problems in our energy, health care and democratic systems.

Recent research reports include our 8th annual State of Recycling and Composting report, our 39th annual Trouble in Toyland report and a groundbreaking look at the outsized contribution of gas-powered lawn mowers and leaf blowers to unhealthy levels of ozone pollution in our state.

Our grassroots organizing includes building support for major expansions in transit, walking and biking funding including shifting over $100 million to regional transit in Denver instead of wasteful highway widening projects that fail to solve congestion and exacerbate pollution. We've helped convince the Air Quality Control Commission to adopt electric car and truck standards and convinced the Colorado Department of Transportation to expand our statewide bus system, Bustang, reaching more places with more routes. We are working with school districts across Colorado to "Filter First," and ensure all children have access to lead-free drinking water where they learn and play each day.

CoPIRG Foundation mobilizes thousands of Coloradans every year to become active in our issues. Our network of doctors and medical professionals have helped move the largest fast food companies including McDonald's, Subway and KFC to prioritize public health by phasing out inappropriate antibiotic use in animals.

Our youth organizing program has registered over 100,000 college students to vote and trained over 1,000 students to be active citizens through our internship program.

Organization Data


Organization name

Colorado Public Interest Research Foundation Inc

other names

CoPIRG Foundation

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, Environment, Public & Societal Benefit, Health Care

Organization Size

Medium Organization


1543 Wazee St Ste 330
Denver, CO 80202

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US

