Background Statement
ESM was established in 1982 by eight downtown churches as a faith-based, social outreach ministry to the low-income and the homeless in Colorado Springs to address the needs of food and housing. Initial programs offered included rental assistance to prevent eviction and an emergency food pantry. Additional services have been added such as prescription assistance, local transportation vouchers, clothing and hygiene items. A Jobs Department was created to help "remove the barriers to employment" through jobs counseling and educational opportunities.
Our goal remains to provide emergency services to individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or a low-income life by providing dignity and hope. This is accomplished with emergency food assistance, clothing, laundry services and hot showers. Many of our services are designed to meet the emergency needs of our guests, and we take a holistic approach in meeting those needs in the hopes of achieving self-sustainability for our guest. When they come in to talk, volunteers work to ascertain the best course of action. If it is not something we can provide, we locate a referral agency.