Organization name
Hyland Hills Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Recreation & Sports
Organization Size
Small Organization
8801 N. Pecos StreetFederal Heights, CO 80260
Adams County, CO, US
The work of the Foundation removes the financial barrier for kids to be involved in healthy activities. Kids involved in youth sports and activities are more likely to perform well in school, graduate from high school, go to college, become and remain employed.
The Hyland Hills Foundation provides more than 600 program grants annually for children of low income families to participate in Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District programs and activities. Over 1,000 children are provided free basic swimming lessons each year. Local elementary school children and their families were provided a free outing at Adventure Golf and Raceway. These Foundation programs have made a big difference in the lives of thousands of children, seniors and other District residents.
The mission of the Hyland Hills Foundation is to promote and support the recreational and cultural opportunities of the residents of Hyland Hills.
The Hyland Hills Foundation is a 100% volunteer-run organization designed to provide needed assistance to the citizens of the Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District community, particularly children. It was formed by a small group of concerned residents as a Colorado nonprofit corporation in October of 1992. The goal of the Foundation then and now is to assist the Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District in providing the very best recreational facilities to all persons, regardless of financial ability or background.
The Hyland Hills Foundation has sponsored many free activities for the community, including Putts for a Purpose and the Be-A-Fish learn to swim program.
The Foundation provides financial assistance for participation in Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District programs to children of families qualifying for free or reduced school lunch.
Organization name
Hyland Hills Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Recreation & Sports
Organization Size
Small Organization
8801 N. Pecos StreetAdams County, CO, US