Nature's Educators

A nonprofit organization

$37,044 raised by 215 donors

74% complete

$50,000 Goal

Nature's Educators is an educational wildlife program licensed by county, state, and federal agencies to care for non-releasable birds of prey, mammals, and herptiles for educational programs. 


Loved your shows at Repticon. The team you have put together is top notch and represents your organization with passion and pride. Thanks for the hard work and dedication to conservation. - Repticon Guest

Nature's Educators carries themselves as the paragon of professionalism through the delicate care and compassion they display for the animals in care of their program. - Tagawa Gardens Event Coordinator

Nature's Educators' programs are designed to create awareness, educate, and connect us to the end, they leave us all with a spot in our hearts for these wonderful birds that we didn't have before. - Barnes and Noble Event Coordinator

Nature's Educators provides informative, interactive fun for all ages. You will surely be impressed by the wild, friendly, and very LIVELY programs...from their animal ambassadors to the staff themselves, Nature's Educators will leave you even more eager to learn about natures finest. - Cherry Creek State Park Ranger

Thank you to you and your wonderful handlers for the fantastic raptor demonstration at Fox Hollow's Science Olympiad Fun Night. Your raptor ambassadors are stunning and your demonstration made a huge impact on our students. What a generous gift you made to come and share your expertise with us! You did a fantastic job and we're very grateful for your time. It was an honor to have you at Fox Hollow! - Teacher


To inspire individuals to understand, respect, and conserve wildlife through educational programming and experiences.

Background Statement

Nature's Educators was created in 2008 by Founder, Devin Jaffe. Nature's Educators started in Canon City, CO and now has a headquarters in Florence, CO. Nature's Educators became a registered non profit in 2011 and has grown by leaps and bounds. The organization travels the entire state and surrounding states to give presentations to schools, libraries, camps, parks, resorts, festivals, fairs, and more to teach about wildlife and conservation. The team members give about 1200 individual presentations/booths each year. We are actively working toward building a permanent public nature center...hopefully soon!

Organization Data


Organization name

Nature's Educators

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Medium Organization


1849 Moore Drive
Florence, CO 81226

Service areas







719 455 4295

Social Media