Organization name
St. Vrain Community Montessori School
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Large Organization
1055 Delaware AvenueLongmont, CO 80501
Boulder County, CO, US
$37,683 raised by 122 donors
38% complete
$100,000 Goal
Bridge the Gap!
Like all public schools, SVCMS receives per-pupil funding from the state of Colorado. As a charter school and an authentic Montessori school, we face specific challenges that make it necessary for us to seek supplemental funding from grants, fundraisers, and our family community. Your donation bridges the gap between our per-pupil revenue and the cost of delivering a high-quality Montessori education.
"A PK-8, authentic Montessori? That is the four-leaf clover of public schools. We were lucky to be one of the few families accepted from the lengthy wait list. I look forward to the day when the school can grow and accommodate more of the families who would like to join our community." -Rachel Mueller Barnes
"I haven't found a single staff member or parent yet that I wouldn't trust to raise my children in my absence, and the values & skills & time committed show in every child and their relationships. This place is a haven! I deeply hope as many families as possible can feel such contentment and relief in finding the right niche for all members of their family!" -Amelia Hurst
SVCMS fosters human thriving by nurturing the whole child in an authentic Montessori program as a public charter school.
Our Vision: SVCMS students will become engaged humanitarians and stewards of the world who act with integrity, kindness, and wonder.
Read more about the offerings of an authentic Montessori education and how we fulfill our mission and vision at
Our Roots
St. Vrain Community Montessori School (SVCMS) was founded by a dedicated group of parents that recognized a need to expand the educational choices offered by the St. Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD) and shared a true passion for the potential of Montessori education.
Our Charter History
In 2007, this core group of over 30 parents, educators, and community members met regularly to form a steering committee and interim Board, which successfully completed a charter school application for a kindergarten through 6th grade school - founding St. Vrain Community Montessori School. In a mission-driven decision, SVCMS opened a Middle School in the fall of 2014 with its first group of 7th years and continued to expand the Middle School in 2015-2016 with the addition of 8th years.
Growth of our Community
Since its founding, SVCMS has added new grade levels, hired additional highly qualified Guides, invested in new classrooms, and developed a community space. The Board of Directors has also established a growth plan that calls for increased classroom capacity at all levels, in addition to more Guides, expanded classrooms, and additional outdoor space.
Today, St. Vrain Community Montessori School serves a diverse body of over 260 students from preschool through 8th year, ages 3-14, in an authentic Montessori environment. We strive each day to foster high academic and personal fulfillment for all students while nurturing trusting and productive relationships among students, staff, volunteers, and families.
Organization name
St. Vrain Community Montessori School
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Large Organization
1055 Delaware AvenueBoulder County, CO, US