Wild Bear Nature Center

A nonprofit organization

$66,188 raised by 151 donors

88% complete

$75,000 Goal

Wild Bear has been helping children and adults forge lifelong connections to nature for 30 years! We are so excited to continue our mission in our net-positive nature center, which is currently under construction. As of Winter 2024, we have a shell of a good building! We cannot wait to bring you programs for all ages in this new space along with community events and a forest preschool. Your donations to Wild Bear make impacts that will last a lifetime: 

An $85 donation sponsors a full day of nature education for a child from a low-income household. 

A $300 donation funds a group program where children and adults learn from artists, scientists, or wildlife experts. 

A $500 donation supports a week of full day childcare for a family in need when school is out during spring, summer, or winter break.

A $1000 donation supports an entire class traveling to the mountains four times - once each season - to learn about snow science, wildflowers, mountain ecology, our watershed, and more.

Your donation helps keep Wild Bear programs open to everyone, regardless of income. Last year, 42% of children's program participation was supported through sliding scale scholarships. Wild Bear is a licensed childcare provider, which means your donation could be eligible for a 50% Colorado Child Care tax credit! Check with your accountant. We also have an anonymous match for up to $25,000! With the tax credit you can quadruple your impact.

Now more than ever, we need nature and nature needs us - support Wild Bear Nature Center today!


Inspiring a lifelong connection to nature and community through creative exploration of the outdoors.

Campaigns supporting this organization

Organization Data


Organization name

Wild Bear Nature Center

other names

WBNC, Wild Bear Center for Nature Discovery

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Environment, Education

Organization Size

Large Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Child Care Credit


P.O. Box 3017
Nederland, CO 80466

Service areas

Boulder County, CO, US



Social Media