Background Statement
BRI was founded in 1971 on a service-driven mission to provide housing repairs for low-income households in Southwest Denver. Serving the community spurred a spirit of volunteerism and camaraderie with the common goal of helping neighbors paint their homes, receive vital health and safety home repairs, and/or be connected to services that could improve their quality of life and allow them to remain in their homes for the long-term. This mission has been woven into the work we do at all levels of the organization over the last 50+ years. Today, we serve over 20,000 individuals annually through our housing programs. We primarily service the following counties: Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Boulder, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson and El Paso, however, our services have moved statewide in the past few years and grown especially as the COVID pandemic has exacerbated housing challenges in all 64 counties throughout the state of Colorado.
During the early 1980's, Brothers made the transition from housing refurbishment to housing provision with its purchase of an 84-unit, federally subsidized senior and disabled adult housing community. Today, BRI owns and/or manages 28 (1,300+ total units) affordable housing properties and now provides social services support on-site. We also provide property management services for low-income communities.
GOALS: BRI's major goals are:
(1) ensuring that all households, especially those most vulnerable in our society, are given an opportunity to live in safe and healthy homes
(2) stabilizing and sustaining neighborhoods and communities
(3) preserving and increasing availability of affordable housing
(4) empowering renters and homeowners through education
(5) formalizing, adding and enhancing services that empower seniors