CO Assoc. of Family & Children's Agencies (CAFCA)

A nonprofit organization

Colorado Association of Family & Children’s Agencies (CAFCA) is the alliance of agencies committed to providing quality care, leadership, and accountability in services to children, youth and families across Colorado. Member agencies represent a broad continuum of trauma-informed services for child welfare, juvenile justice, homeless youth, education, behavioral and mental health, residential care, foster care, placement stability and related services for children, youth and families who have experienced trauma, instability, risk and adversity. CAFCA agencies offer best practices and trauma-informed services that provide safety, stability and healing leading to better life-long outcomes.

CAFCA has been actively involved in Colorado’s policy landscape since its inception in 1980 and is currently revered as a leading voice representing the professionals and agencies with missions to treat and care for children and youth with extremely complex needs and challenges. CAFCA has served on most of the legislatively created task forces and collaborations regarding child welfare issues and reforms and continues to employ a professional, contract lobbyist year-round as part of the overall policy strategy.

CAFCA is an active member in NOSAC (National Organization of State Associations for Children, and CAFCA's Executive Director is current President of NOSAC); ACRC (Association of Children's Residential & Community-Based Services); CWLA (Child Welfare League of America); and Colorado Nonprofit Association. CAFCA is represented by Cavan Consulting, LLC for lobbying and government relations. 




The Colorado Association of Family & Children’s Agencies (CAFCA) is a strong alliance of agencies that are committed to providing quality, life-changing treatment and care for at-risk and trauma-affected children, youth and families across Colorado. Through a supportive system of collaboration, education and advocacy, CAFCA helps to strengthen agencies and expand their continuum of care, using our collective voice to impact public policy and affect legislation designed to protect kids and provide a wider range of services for families and children.

Background Statement

CAFCA was founded in 1980 by a group of non-profit agency leaders who wanted to collaborate to respond to growing government involvement in the care and treatment of children who had experienced abuse, neglect and other traumas.  Several similar associations had sprung up all across the U.S., and today most states have associations of child-serving agencies that evolved from the need for political advocacy and engagement to promote and protect their efforts to serve children and families.

Organization Data


Organization name

CO Assoc. of Family & Children's Agencies (CAFCA)

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services, Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, Youth Development, Public & Societal Benefit

Organization Size

Small Organization



Service areas




Social Media