CASA of the Pikes Peak Region, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

$86,680 raised by 211 donors

CASA of the Pikes Peak Region offers several programs and services designed to meet the special needs of vulnerable children. Every dollar makes a difference: for every dollar you donate, 86 cents will go directly to supporting the safety and well-being of a child who has been a victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic conflict.


Dependency and Neglect (D&N) Program 

  • "Of the many meaningful and worthwhile volunteer roles I have undertaken over the years, being a CASA has been the most rewarding of all. When no one else is there for a child - we are. When no one else seems to care - we do. When there seems to be no hope for their future - we offer it. By being there unfailingly and unconditionally, by speaking up for them when no one else will, a CASA volunteer truly changes lives - one child at a time." -Maureen, CASA Volunteer
  • "I always thought CASA is something I’d look into when I retire but then I realized that now, not later, is the time to help others. You don’t have to wait until you retire. CASA has a very extensive and detailed training program and a very well-organized support system in place for volunteers. I enjoy working with teens and I really care about the boys I work with as a CASA." –Steve South, Advocate
  • "Sometimes doing this work, you wonder if you’re making a difference but then a dad called me one time and said he just wanted me to know that I saved his life. I have a full-time job. I have a huge family. It’s not that I have time. I have heart. I wonder why I do this – and that’s why." –Mary Moffett, Advocate
  • "My CASA case involves a teen—and it’s a complicated one. In my first couple of months, I’ve made contact with so many different agencies and representatives to learn more about the case—and it’s been going on for a number of years. The overwhelming amount of things to keep tabs on has really given me a sense of empathy for what these kids are dealing with, and just how important the role of a CASA is.” –Andy Mullins, Advocate

Supervised Exchange and Parenting Time (SEPT) Program

  • "As a SEPT volunteer, I’m helping the child be more comfortable around the parent, and I’m helping the parent by observing the visit so that it brings out the best in them. Just being there can make the kids feel safer. They come in ready to hug, ready to love, and ready to be loved by their parents." – Joseph Harrison, SEPT Facilitator
  • "I do have to say I have seen some amazing families and kids come through SEPT. I’ve seen parents grow as people and I’ve seen kids who’ve been able to build trust with their parent(s) when it seemed like it was impossible. Almost every time I go to SEPT, I leave feeling like there is a lot of hope for the families that go through the program." -Alexandria Saunders, SEPT Facilitator

Milton Foster Children's Fund (MFCF) Program

  • "It was tough being a foster kid. I had to work really hard not to live the toxic life I was raised in. You have to put support around these kids and I owe the changes in my life to all of the good people placed there along the way. Having a CASA would have really helped me in my situation and it gives me joy to support an organization hat gives kids an advocate for the situations they’re in.” –Shannon Majors, MFCF Volunteer


CASA of the Pikes Peak Region provides a volunteer's voice in court for children who are victims of abuse, neglect or domestic conflict and promotes community awareness of these issues to ensure safe and permanent homes.

Background Statement

The Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program was started in 1977 by a Seattle judge who sought detailed information on cases involving child victims of abuse and neglect to ensure their best interests were represented in court. The first CASA program was implemented in King County, Washington, and has grown to 941 programs throughout the United States. With this growth, CASA has transformed America’s judicial process and the lives of over two million children nationwide.

CASA of the Pikes Peak Region was formed in 1989 after studies conducted by the Junior League of Colorado Springs determined child abuse victims in El Paso and Teller Counties did not have representation or advocacy. With a growing number of child abuse reports in the region, CASA was selected as the best approach to address the need for a volunteer’s voice in court. Now in its 35th year, CASA has provided compassionate advocacy for over 25,000 children and continues to make a positive impact in the lives of our community’s most vulnerable members. Last fiscal year, CASA served 1,458 children through all programs with the help of 485 dedicated volunteers.

Organization Data


Organization name

CASA of the Pikes Peak Region, Inc.

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services

Organization Size

Large Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Child Care Credit


418 S. Weber Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Service areas

El Paso County, CO, US

Teller County, CO, US



Social Media