In a world where social divides run deep, there must exist organizations that build bridges, engaging all communities to begin closing those divides. This is Creative Strategies for Change. Founded in 2013, we are a grassroots nonprofit based in the heart of the Five Points neighborhood of Denver, Colorado. We seek to integrate arts engagement, social justice frameworks, and restorative practices into all of our work and the community we build. Our programming includes youth and adult leadership workshops, wellness-centered community gatherings, in-school services, and consulting and professional development. All of our offerings invite participants into an exploration of pertinent topics such as identity, expression, cultural values, and conflict transformation. At CSC we believe that liberation is a collective pursuit in which all of us are bound together.
CSC programs--programs that specifically help develop empathic communication and social-emotional tools, that create avenues for creative expression, and that explore what it looks like to build a world dedicated to equity and inclusion--are needed more than ever during this time. They are needed for our youth and for all community members.
But we can't do this work without you.
Your generosity and faith in us to help nourish and serve the community means everything and allows us to continue working toward our mission and vision for the Denver we know we can be. Thank you for your vote of confidence and for making a contribution to a more creative, more kind, and more liberated world.