2024 Colorado Gives Day
$32,602 Raised
When a child dies in Northern Colorado of any age and cause, 3HH steps in to offer immediate and long-term support to families. Our goal is to walk beside and give hope to those who the loss of a child has impacted. This includes parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, and the greater community. Grief literacy has been added to our mission statement as much-needed educational support in the areas of family support and community empathy, family health and well-being, occupational retention, and even suicide prevention.
The loss of a baby or child of any age is an unthinkable loss.
The ensuing grief can feel all-consuming, and the pain can be beyond description.
It is often difficult to find the will to carry on in everyday life, and the grief journey can seem endless. The bond between parent and child is so strong, and bereaved parents do not “get over” the death of their children. There is no closure, but there is, eventually, an acceptance, a new life, a different life. One that will always include your child, but one that looks different than it did before.
3Hopeful Hearts supports these families in both small and great ways every single day of the year in your area. In fact, there are at least 18 new referrals each month, with increasing frequency as our organization has grown over time.
Statistics show that one in six (1 in 6) parents will experience a child's death in their lifetime. The ripple effect is that virtually everyone in your community has been affected by child or infant loss at one time or another.
"This 3Hopeful Hearts seminar was intense, emotional and amazing! I am so appreciative of the people who put this together but most of all the parents who came to share their stories. These are very difficult things for most people to talk about and I want to say thank you and I'm sorry for your losses to all of them again." RE: Parent Panel
"I want to thank you for all you did tonight. The tribute was everything that we could have ever needed and more. I was so surprised by the number of families that came! I think that you were able to provide some great healing, honoring, and closure for the families. As always, I am amazed at your grace and your work. Please let me know if there is ever any way that I (or we as unit at PVH) can help you..." RE: The Candlelight Tribute
"3 Hopeful Hearts and the Walk to Remember have made such a difference. They gave us a place to share sorrow and support friends and family. They gave us words to express what we couldn't say. And perhaps most importantly, they provided meaning that I will carry with me always. One of the most significant parts of the walk was that it gave a forum for families to share their loss. It is rare to find an event that provides an opportunity for all of us to grieve together. They are a valuable and much-needed resource in our community." RE: Walk to Remember.
"I have been working as a physician for 10 years with an additional four years in residency, and today's opportunity to hear directly from patients who have experienced this type of loss has been one of my most meaningful educational experiences. I thank you for your courage to tell your stories and I encourage you to take these panel presentations to other health care providers such as emergency room staff, surgery centers, hospitals, etc. I think everyone could benefit from your message about what this type of grief is all about."
- J. Bradley Stern, M.D. The Women's Clinic of Northern Colorado
"We are forever indebted to 3Hopeful Hearts for offering this amazing camp. Isaac has not been able to stop talking about how much fun he had." RE: Camp BraveHeart
3Hopeful Hearts provides grief-informed support to empower and equip those impacted by the death of a baby or child of any age, while increasing grief literacy in our larger community.
As 3Hopeful Hearts expanded and more community members began to request our services, we realized the need to formalize our operations. In 2011, in-kind donations allowed us to establish office space and develop a website. We received our 501(c)3 designation from the IRS in December, 2012 and remain in good standing. In June of 2020, 3Hopeful Hearts opened the doors to The Center for Hope in Fort Collins, Colorado. We have placed 7 outstanding individuals on our Board of Directors who meet monthly. 3Hopeful Hearts is poised to directly influence the improvement of compassionate care throughout northern Colorado. While 3Hopeful Hearts has grown beyond what we could ever have imagined, our work continues to be inspired by this mission: 3Hopeful Hearts provides bereaved parents and families opportunities to honor, find hope, and seek healing through grief companionship.
Organization name
3Hopeful Hearts
Tax id (EIN)
Human Services, Mental Health & Crisis Intervention, Community Improvement & Capacity Building, Public & Societal Benefit
Organization Size
Medium Organization
712 Whalers Way A201Headquarters
712 Whalers Way, A201Larimer County, CO, US
Denver, CO, US
Weld County, CO, US