ABRT rescues and rehabilitates dogs from local shelters who've been deemed "unadoptable," often facing euthanasia, and finds them their forever homes. We work to reduce the shelter population by giving owners the training tools they need to "have a nice dog" and become advocates for their companions
I am writing to convey my appreciation of All Breed Rescue and Training and the impact of ABRT's programs to our family. Since 2005 we have participated in ABRT programs including behavior assessments, one-on-one training, Foundation Course, Canine Connections, Nose Work, Wall Flower and Outdoor Adventure classes. We also adopted a homeless dog from the Humane Society with ABRT's assistance.
We are particularly thankful for your continuing work with our dog Waylon. We had been through ABRT classes with our other, well adjusted dogs and were proficient at basic training. However, when we got Waylon from another family member during an emergency situation 2009, he was terrified of everything from tile floors to loud noises and sudden movements. His fear led to a serious dog fight between Waylon and another male dog in our family during a thunderstorm. Devastated from the event and ill equipped to deal with such a fearful dog, we entered into family behavioral assessments and training with ABRT. Over the last three and a half years, with ABRT's guidance, we now understand how to recognize the signs of fear and help Waylon redirect his behavior in a positive manner to overcome his fear and be a safe member of our family. He has blossomed into a loving, skilled and friendly dog under ABRT's positive reinforcement training. Before ABRT, Waylon was terrified of neighbors. Now as he greets them in a pleasant manner, they comment on how well trained and smart he is. Without ABRT, we would have had to euthanize Waylon. But we did not give up on Waylon, and ABRT never gave up on us.
We will be forever grateful for the patience, skill and assistance you have shown our family. We are proud to help support ABRT and the programs you offer that not only protect and improve our community, but save lives such as Waylon's.
Heather Drissel, P.E.