Advocates of Lake County

A nonprofit organization

Your support allows us to provide trauma-informed services and promote a community where survivors of domestic and sexual violence may achieve personal autonomy.

Give today to ensure survivors of violence in Lake County have a safe place to turn to during crisis!


Our clients appreciate the help we give them during their times of need. Whether we are providing crisis intervention, legal services, rental assistance or counseling, ALC staff are present and attuned each step of the way. Here's what some of our clients have shared with us: 

"Thank you all for always being a GREAT open ear."

"Estoy muy satisfecha porque no me preocupe este mes en pagar la renta."

"I am so grateful for the assistance I have received. It gives me hope and much relief."

"Estoy muy satisfecha con la ayuda que proporcionan."

"I am so thankful and appreciative for all the help that the wonderful ladies here have given me. I don't think I could do it all without their support.


The Advocates of Lake County provides trauma-informed services and promotes a community where individuals experiencing violence or housing insecurity may achieve personal autonomy.

Background Statement

The Advocates of Lake County (ALC) was founded in 1982 when a group of local residents decided to address the high rates of domestic violence and sexual assault in our community. These trailblazers began by setting up a crisis line and providing office hours in donated space at City Hall.

Forty years later, ALC remains dedicated to serving survivors of violent crime in Lake County. We offer crisis intervention and support through our 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency safe housing, rental assistance, legal advocacy, counseling, homelessness prevention and response services, community-wide violence prevention, and more.

ALC is the only community-based organization dedicated to survivors of violence in Lake County. Our services are free and confidential, giving our clients complete control of their journey to lasting peace and safety.

Organization Data


Organization name

Advocates of Lake County

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services

Organization Size

Medium Organization


711 Harrison Avenue Suite F
Leadville, CO 80461


PO Box 325
Leadville, CO 80461

Service areas

Lake County, CO, US


719 486 3530

Social Media