Organization name
American Indian College Fund
other names
College Fund
Organization Size
Large Organization
8333 Greenwood BlvdDenver, CO 80221
Adams County, CO, US
We have one unwavering purpose – increasing the number of American Indians who hold college degrees.
The American Indian College Fund invests in Native students and tribal college education to transform lives and communities.
Our goal is to increase the number of American Indians with a college degree - which is just 15% today. We are changing this number by empowering more than 4,000 American Indian students every year with scholarships and support programs, so they can complete their college and launch careers that benefit us all. Since 1989, we have provided more than 153,890 scholarships and almost $283.7 million to support American Indian students. And our goal is to double our impact in the next five years.
The Students We Serve:
The American Indian College Fund (the College Fund) is the nation’s largest provider of scholarships for American Indian students. The College Fund provides an average of over 4,000 scholarships annually. The College Fund not only provides scholarships for Native students but also invests in American Indian students' post-graduate endeavors by offering career and employment readiness classes and workshops, by assisting with applications and placements for internships and jobs etc.
The American Indian College Fund invests in Native students and tribal college education to transform lives and communities.
The American Indian College Fund is the nation's largest private provider of scholarships for American Indian students. The College Fund is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization headquartered in Denver, Colorado. In 1989, the tribal college and university (TCU) presidents established the College Fund with the mission to raise scholarship funds for American Indian students at qualified tribal colleges and universities and to generate broad awareness of those institutions and the College Fund itself. The organization also raises money and resources for other needs at the TCUs including capital projects, operations, endowments or program initiatives, and conducts fundraising and related activities for Board-directed initiatives. Today, the College Fund provides an average of 4,000 scholarships annually to American Indian students.
The College Fund is committed to accountability to donors and keeps all operations transparent. The American Indian College Fund is also proud to announce the organization's permission to display the "Best in America Seal of Excellence" from the Independent Charities of America. The Independent Charities Seal of Excellence is awarded to organizations that have, upon rigorous independent review, been able to certify, document and demonstrate on an annual basis that they meet the highest standards of public accountability, program efficiency and cost effectiveness. Of the one million charities operating in the United States, fewer than 2,000 organizations have been awarded this seal. In today's environment of growing public demand for non-profit accountability, the College Fund is proud to have our work recognized by the Independent Charities of America.
Organization name
American Indian College Fund
other names
College Fund
Organization Size
Large Organization
8333 Greenwood BlvdAdams County, CO, US