Arapahoe County Human Services: Bare Necessities
$175 Raised
The Arapahoe County Foundation was founded in 1985 to facilitate contributions of funds, property and/or services to programs designed or intended to promote the health, welfare and safety of Arapahoe County citizens.
The Foundation is a tax exempt Colorado non-profit corporation organized as a 501(c)(3) (EIN: 74-2373935) entity that accepts gifts, grants and contributions on behalf of Arapahoe County and the County's programs, services and special events.
No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution.
Enhancing your quality of life through exceptional delivery of services and efficient use of public funds.
Organization name
Arapahoe County Foundation Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Human Services, Public & Societal Benefit
Organization Size
Small Organization
5334 S PRINCE STArapahoe County, CO, US
Douglas County, CO, US
Jefferson County, CO, US
Denver, CO, US
Adams County, CO, US