Organization name
Arvada West High School Instrumental Boosters
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Small Organization
11595 Allendale DrArvada, CO 80004
Jefferson County, CO, US
$3,044 raised by 25 donors
61% complete
$5,000 Goal
About Arvada West Instrumental Music
Building society’s future leaders through art and performance
Through our high standards and support-based classroom instruction, we at Arvada West pride ourselves on helping develop exceptional citizenship and develop excellence in artistry. Arvada West High School boasts a robust Instrumental Music program consisting of concert and jazz band, concert orchestra, pit orchestra, marching band, pep band, indoor percussion, and various small ensembles. We depend on the generosity of our parents, guardians, and community in order to continue to deliver a high-quality music education for our students. Whether it’s preparing food, chaperoning trips, sewing concert attire, or helping move the front ensemble onto the field for football games, there is ALWAYS a way for you to get involved! Donate today and join our wonderful and hardworking community of IM families who help make all this possible!
Your Donation
Your support will help the Arvada West Music Boosters provide affordable opportunities for our youth to benefit from a high-quality music program. With your donations we can keep program fees low, purchase new instruments/equipment, and provide additional staff support for the AW Music Department.
As a music therapist, I have a full spectrum of feelings about how music can help enhance children's lives, and my own kids are no exception. My oldest daughter plays percussion in band, is on the drum line in marching band, and sings in choir. Not only has she acquired the expected musical skills and knowledge from learning instruments and studying vocal music, but the impact on her life as a whole is even more significant. Music has given her a niche, a place to belong. She has found like-minded peers and a solid friend group full of quirky and passionate kids like herself. She has learned the dedication and hard work it takes to improve musically, along with the frustration and resilience of failing and trying again. She has gained self-confidence and a special kind of fulfillment that comes from performing music with a group of people. Music has given her the skills she needs to commit to a task, stick with it, and follow through, and that extends into her academic and home life as well. I am so grateful she has such a high quality music program available to her at school- I cannot imagine where we would be without it.
Stephanie Sprenger, parent
I think the Arvada West Instrumental Music program has been a vital part of my daughter's experience throughout high school. It has built friendships that will last for years. It allowed her to transition from middle school to high school with less apprehension. Having been through marching band camp just prior to the start of her freshman year, she had already established friendships and had upper classmen that were there to help. Now as a senior, she is doing the same for those entering the program. Performing in Wind Ensemble has improved her stage presence and overall performance abilities. The program provided discipline and enhanced her leadership skills. Her most lasting high school memories will be from the people and experiences she has encountered through the Arvada West Instrumental Music program.
Sarah Aikman, parent
The mission of the Arvada West High School Instrumental Music Boosters is to 1) offer financial and material assistance to students involved in instrumental music programs, 2) create a positive unity among school administrators, staff, parents, band members, and directors, and 3) increase community awareness and involvement in instrumental music activities.
The Arvada West High School Instrumental Music Boosters organization was formed by a group of parents in the fall of 1983 to support the ongoing activities of the band and orchestra programs at Arvada West High School. With limited funding available from the school district for these important extracurricular programs, the Arvada West Instrumental Music Boosters (AWIMB) came together to support the music department staff, providing financial and material assistance for students involved in the programs. The AWIMB also provided a dedicated group of volunteers to assist at activities throughout the year, including building props and providing field support for the marching band, organizing the annual Jazz Swing Dance, and promoting all band and orchestra concerts.
Organization name
Arvada West High School Instrumental Boosters
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Small Organization
11595 Allendale DrJefferson County, CO, US