Sparking curiosity for another 50 years.
Bixby School nurtures children’s love of learning as they discover their individual gifts and prepare to make meaningful contributions to their world.
Responsibility - Respect - Empathy
• Children learn best in a safe environment: physically, emotionally, and intellectually.
• Respect is the cornerstone of such an environment: respect among students, between students and teachers, and among all members of our community including parents and staff.
• Children are unique individuals, each with their own abilities, interests, and needs.
• With encouragement and support, children develop responsibility for their choices and actions.
• Curiosity is natural and joy of learning is intrinsic in all children.
• Critical thinking skills and mastery of underlying concepts are the primary objectives of the school.
• Children learn best in small groups with extensive opportunities for individual attention and interaction with others. Academic achievement is realized in a non-graded, noncompetitive setting where children are intrinsically motivated to learn.
• Committed, well-qualified teachers are fundamental to the success of our school.
• Support for families and continuity for children that builds upon the rich learning environment and social setting of the school day are critical elements of an effective extended day program.