Break Bread

A nonprofit organization

$50,368 raised by 91 donors

84% complete

$60,000 Goal

Over 100,000 meals served to date! You can help us fight hunger right here in Littleton, CO and beyond. We believe everyone deserves hot nourishing food and friendship, with no strings attached. Help us continue to serve free, hot meals to our neighbors by donating today!  


Fall 2024- By a long time volunteer when asked why she chooses to volunteer with Break Bread

Even though the food is great, it's really the community the keeps me coming back. Seeing the relationships that are built here and then continue outside this room -  I know we are really making a differnce. 


Spring 2024 - A family that dines regularly at Break Bread

I love it because it means I get to see my mom every week and it's a safe place for my son to play


Summer 2024 - A neighbor who has come for a a couple years, but goes weeks or moths without coming

How do you always remember my name? Not many people remember my name. Thank you. Being able to get out of the house and interact with other people really helps me. 


Spring 2023 - A neighbor who joins for almost every meal

I can't afford to go to the grocery store anymore, if it wasn't for Break Bread meals and the extra supplies I would probably go hungry. I'm grateful you are here and like to help out when I can. 


Summer 2022 - By a neighbor who attended our first in-person meal since before the pandemic

This is beautiful!  It feels like we are eating at a fancy restaurant.  It was so nice to meet some of my neighbors.  I'll come every week.  Thank you!


Summer 2020 - By a recipient of delivered meals from Break Bread
Thank you so much for all the work that goes into supplying the meals of love that are distributed… each one is delivered with love - those who prepared it, put it into [to-go boxes], and the friendliness of the deliverer always very kind and smiling - On Saturday, the extra of the goodies bag - along with the puzzles that are sent and the encouraging words. I look forward to and anticipate what will it be? I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas again. Thank you.
Spring 2020 - By a recipient of delivered meals from Break Bread
To all those who make these weekly dinners possible - I just want to say Thank You! I have so appreciated them during this difficult time. Being disabled and not able to get out, they have been such a blessing. Just want you to know how much you are appreciated.
Summer 2018 - By an anonymous Littleton neighbor who dines frequently at Break Bread
When I come here, I feel like I'm home. Other places give you some peanut butter or something, and I appreciate that, but this is different. This is like home.
Fall 2018 - By a Littleton family who dines frequently at Break Bread
Our family began going to the Break Bread dinners in the fall of 2017. We are both in full-time graduate school, and with three children, our budget is tight. The dinners offer our family a financial reprieve, a nice meal, and some good fellowship.

During our many visits to Break Bread we have always been greeted by friendly, helpful people. Once seated, our table hosts have been engaging, curious, loving, and nonjudgmental. We have also enjoyed the opportunity to meet and to get to know a diverse array of attendees from many backgrounds and life situations. We find this type of engagement extremely beneficial to our family (especially our kids) because it is a reminder that each person has inherent worth and value, provides us with an opportunity to practice humility and gratefulness, and increases our awareness of the immense need for help in the world-right in our back yard!
Summer 2018 - By Harvey Lee, who frequently volunteers as a food server/waiter at Break Bread
I live a privileged life. My father immigrated to the United States when he was 13. Without formal education, he worked in kitchens; through hard work and savings, he eventually purchased a restaurant in Oregon. That business provided for our family and allowed me to go to college. I live a comfortable, upper middle-class life with a wife and two daughters who are headed soon to college. My long-term steady career has allowed us to afford to take vacations and eat at restaurants. In my middle age, I am long removed from financial hardship, and my peers are largely people like me.

Volunteering at Break Bread has transformed me. Being on the other side of meal service is a reminder of how lucky I am...


Break Bread’s mission is reducing hunger and building relationships within our community through free meals and programs that provide nourishment and friendship.

Our model is unique in that we offer an inspiring experience for everyone involved. Based on the belief that relationships are at the center of most solutions and the impetus for change.

We combat the challenges of food insecurity, poverty, and loneliness as we care for and nourish each other as neighbors. The volunteers who prepare the food, serve the meals, and provide the hospitality are as much inspired by the experience as are the community neighbors who come to be served. Volunteers and neighbors all dine together and share stories and conversations. More than just filling bellies, which addresses the immediate problem of hunger, the relationships created through sharing a meal provide a vehicle for change.

Background Statement

Break Bread was formed on April 28, 2017 out of a desire in the community to address the reality that many students and families in the area were experiencing poverty and food insecurity. A majority (more than 75%) of the children in the area are able to participate in free or reduced priced meals through the public school system. Yet prior to that time, no entity was providing free hot meals in the Littleton community during the weekend. In addition to the experience of food insecurity among young families, Break Bread's founders were concerned for elderly neighbors who were living on a fixed income and struggling to make ends meet. Thus Break Bread was created to provide a place for everyone in the community to experience a shared meal together, and form transformative relationships with one another in the process. At Break Bread, our understanding of poverty has grown. We are thankful for the lessons we continue to learn from people of many backgrounds experiencing poverty and food insecurity, as well as other barriers to thriving in the community. Our ongoing commitment is to nourish the community of Littleton through understanding, relationships, and delicious shared meals.

Get Involved

View our current participation opportunities.

In-Person Volunteering

Saturday meal

LUMC - Shepperd ave entrance

Ongoing opportunity

Organization Data


Organization name

Break Bread

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Food, Agriculture & Nutrition

Organization Size

Medium Organization


LITTLETON, CO 80120-2821

Service areas

Arapahoe County, CO, US



Social Media