Bright Future Foundation for Eagle County

A nonprofit organization

$39,586 raised by 114 donors

Our Mission

Purpose Statement: Making Futures Bright: changing lives affected by domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Bright Future Foundation believes that no matter the adversity, every client has the strength to live fuller, happier, and more productive lives.  Clients are served holistically to support each of them to experience long-term change, and ultimately individual self-sufficiency. The core of our mission is that all our services are provided at no cost to the client. Clients can access Bright Future Foundation's wraparound services without the fear and anxiety surrounding financial insecurity. This peace of mind is made possible through the generous support of donors.


"Thanks to the support of Bright Future Foundation, I know that I have the capacity to care for my family emotionally and financially" - Rapid ReHousing Participant.

"I think our relationship allowed her to see a side of herself that she maybe didn't know about. It allowed her to be a kid for a little while" - Buddy Mentors Program Senior Buddy regarding her Junior Buddy.

Domestic violence is a prevalent and devastating social issue that touches the lives of everyone in our community, leaving a negative impact on women, men, and children of every background and circumstance.

According to the most recent survey conducted by the Department of Justice
-   4.8 million women are assaulted annually by an intimate partner.
-   One in three adults have witnessed an act of domestic violence
-   50% of marriages exhibit some form of violence or abuse (

While these statistics are staggering, domestic violence is chronically under-reported or even unreported because of shame, stigma, and fear of further abuse. Even so, the incidence of domestic violence is cited as a primary cause of injury to women in the United States, and according to the National Institute of Justice, over one-third (37%) of women admitted to an emergency room for violence-related injuries were abused by an intimate partner. Moreover, in Colorado, over 50% of all murders are committed by an intimate partner ( With a growing population in Eagle County of over 55,000, there is the potential for over one-third of these families to experience domestic violence. Consequently, continued comprehensive action and response is needed. Bright Future Foundation must continue to provide a continuum of high-quality services to victims residing in Eagle County that promote recovery, self-sufficiency, and self-efficacy.

Even though our organization has expanded over the years, volunteers still play a pivotal role in the success of Bright Future Foundation. Our volunteers provide over 15,000 hours of service to our organization. Currently, our organization relies on volunteers to staff our 24/7 Crisis Line (available in English & Spanish), which provides direct crisis support and intervention to victims of domestic violence throughout Eagle County. Volunteers also assist with BrightHouse management, facility upkeep, and supportive services. Volunteers are directly involved with youth mentorship, transportation, supportive services, and child care. As mentioned in the previous section, BFF currently has many Eagle County youth on the waitlist for our Buddy Mentor program. As such, responsible, caring volunteers are always in need!


Dear Bright Future Family,

During this time of celebration and gratitude, we reflect on what your support makes possible for Eagle County domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and trafficking survivors. Thanks to your generosity, Bright Future Foundation provided prevention, crisis intervention, and long-term healing services to over 915 clients and their families last year.

This year, we continued to enhance our organizational capacity with the addition of The Sacred Cycle program to add a group therapy and wilderness therapy component to our opportunities for survivors of sexual abuse. With your support, we were able to: 
•    Respond to 561 calls to our 24/7 crisis line, an increase of 34% since 2021. Crisis line volunteers work day and night to ensure a victim has a place to turn in their time of need.
•    Assist survivors with nearly $300,000 in rental assistance. 90% of the families we served remain in safe and permanent housing after experiencing abuse.
•    Connect over 50 at-risk youths with caring and trusting adults through our Buddy Mentors program.

As we roll through 2024 and beyond, Bright Future Foundation, staff, volunteers, and our Board of Directors are committed to continued excellence as we strive to empower survivors with dignity. Together, we can make futures bright for the most vulnerable members of our community.


Bright Future Foundation empowers families and individuals affected by domestic violence and sexual assault. As Eagle County's only community-based domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and trafficking agency, Bright Future Foundation serves clients with prevention, crisis intervention, advocacy, and long-term healing services.

Background Statement

Bright Future Foundation was founded in 1984 as a grassroots volunteer organization called the "Women's Resource Center." Initially, the agency solely provided crisis services for victims, utilizing volunteers' homes as shelter. Due to the overwhelming need for domestic violence and sexual assault response, the organization grew steadily over the next three decades. In 2002, Freedom Ranch Safehouse was established as the first and only emergency shelter in the county and following in 2005, Bright Future Foundation partnered with the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless to establish the Rapid ReHousing Program. In 2008, the Women's Resource Center was renamed the Bright Future Foundation and the agency transformed into a survivor-centered advocacy agency with professional services offered in-house. Bright Future Foundation launched Ensuring Freedom Housing Program in June 2017 to address the significant barrier to safe, stable housing for survivors of violence. Finally, this past August, Bright Future Foundation began the final phase of one our largest initiatives to date. Bright Future Foundation broke ground on the BrightHouse, our new emergency housing facility. The BrightHouse opened in June 2021 and offers emergency housing as well as access to all of our wraparound services.

Today, Bright Future Foundation assists 1050 survivors of violence each year with crisis intervention, advocacy and long-term healing services. In addition, we provide over 20,000 nights of safe housing through BrightHouse, Ensuring Freedom Program, and Rapid ReHousing Program. Our work has emerged as a statewide best practice model for domestic violence and sexual assault response for our approach of providing prevention, crisis intervention and long-term healing services within one organization.

This year, The Sacred Cycle merged with Bright Future Foundaiton, bringing their combination of wilderness therapy and conventional therapy under one umbrella of working with survivors of sexual assault.

Organization Data


Organization name

Bright Future Foundation for Eagle County

other names

BFF, Women's Resource Center

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services

Organization Size

Large Organization


1060 W. Beaver Creek Blvd Suite 201
Avon, CO 81620


PO Box 2558
Avon, CO 81620


245 Crestwood Drive
Gypsum, CO 81637

Service areas

Eagle County, CO, US







Social Media