For every $1 invested in early childhood, a community receives $13 in return. Bright Futures offers evidence-based early childhood programming to ensure that every child has access to quality care and education, and a healthy start to life. Please consider supporting this worthwhile investment!
Below are testimonials from parents involved in our Parents as Teachers program.
"This program is so valuable to me as a mother in this community. I know I am cared for, I know I am not alone, and I know I have a safe, trustworthy, caring person I can reach out to or turn to when I need help. I am so grateful"
"We have LOVED it! If there are any families in need or with younger children, I highly recommend it!"
"The most helpful thing about this program has been guidance. I don't have family nearby so it is nice to have another version of outside support (it is my first child)"
"This program has helped me an understand how my child is developing and what is 'normal behavior.' It is excellent"
In addition, we have included a reflection from one of our parent educators about the importance of developmental screenings and resource referrals.
"Today a mother told me that she suspected that part of her son's listening problem might actually be a hearing problem. She said, additionally, that his speech seemed increasingly "garbled." This is not the first time that a parent has hoped that their child's refusal to "listen the first time" might be related to a hearing problem, not linked to defiance. And almost always the child can hear just fine. But not this time. This time, the child, in fact, is likely NOT hearing well. The screening showed that not one but both ears are potentially compromised. This child has had ear tubes before, and the parents had assumed that the hearing issues were resolved. They were so grateful for the help assessing the problem, and they will see a hearing specialist next week to further diagnose the child's hearing. It's such a valuable service we offer parents, helping them know when to seek professional help and when to focus on rewards and consequences for listening issues!"
Finally, we have included the testimonials from early childhood teachers served through our Pyramid Coaching Project.
"Being a Pyramid Model teacher has instilled more confidence and passion in me. I see the change and growth in children that will impact their entire lives. I am impacting future generations"
"It has made the learning environment a more peaceful place where children love to come, and families are comfortable leaving their children"
"One student had difficulty using words when upset and immediately went into a meltdown. Now she is able to breathe, talk, solve problems, and generally not let small problems bother her so much, if any!"
"We have observed student behavior differences between students continuing to kindergarten from our Pyramid Model preschool and new students just beginning kindergarten. Students who have learned in a high-fidelity Pyramid Model classroom have better emotional regulation, can follow schedules and routines, and are able to form firm friendships"