Organization name
The Colorado Association for Infant Mental Health
Tax id (EIN)
Mental Health & Crisis Intervention
Organization Size
Medium Organization
P.O. Box3831Centennial, CO 80161
$1,962 raised by 11 donors
20% complete
$10,000 Goal
The Colorado Association for Infant Mental Health invites you to join in promoting and standing in the gap for our babies and their mental wellness. You can support CoAIMH's Mission of being Colorado's leader in infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH).
I hope this finds you and your family well and happy.
I do not have Dr Silva's email. I hope it is all right to send the sentence to you.
"CoAIMH creates opportunities for early childhood professionals to reflect, learn and grow."
With warm and high regards,
CoAIMH has been the glue to keeping me grounded in Infant Mental Health, providing access to longstanding professional development, and reflective supervision. This Through CoAIMH, I continue to develop my awareness and grow my capacity to work with and support building strong and healthy relationships with the children and families I work with as well as the professional educators who care for infants and toddlers in our Early Care and Education system.
Thank you
COAIMH has helped me develop a supportive community of other early childhood professionals, outside of my agency. The professional development and specific support offered around the endorsement process was instrumental in helping me get through the process.
Thank you, thank you!!
Christina R Gomez, LMFT, IMH-E (She, Her, Hers)
Colorado Association for Infant Mental Health (CoAIMH) is Colorado's leader in the area of infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH). Our aim is fulfilled through (1) the development and support of the infant and early childhood workforce, and (2) our expertise on Colorado public policy matters that impact young children.
Founded in 2001, COAIMH is a nonprofit (501c3) statewide membership organization run by staff and volunteers who work to promote education and research related to infant and early childhood mental health and, facilitate networking and cooperation among those concerned with the optimal development of infants and infant-caregiver relationships. We also strive to advocate for use of scientifically-based programs of care, intervention, and prevention of mental impairment in infancy and support local and state policies that promote family and infant mental health.
CoAIMH became an official affiliate of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH) in 2002, and a state member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health (the Alliance) in 2010.
Infant Mental Health is the developing capacity of an infant or young child to:
Develop close and secure relationships with others
Actively explore the environment and learn
Experience, express and regulate a full range of both positive and negative emotions
(Zero to Three Infant Mental Health Task Force, 2011)
Organization name
The Colorado Association for Infant Mental Health
Tax id (EIN)
Mental Health & Crisis Intervention
Organization Size
Medium Organization
P.O. Box3831CO, US