Caregiver Connections : Resources for Senior Care

A nonprofit organization

$18,191 raised by 70 donors

100% complete

$15,000 Goal

Caregiver Connections connects family caregivers of older adults to resources and respite that empowers them to be the best caregivers they can be. Please support Eagle County family caregivers with your donation! 

With older adults 65+ as the fastest growing population in Eagle County and 70% of people preferring to age in place, Caregiver Connections is expanding its reach to address the growing needs of caregivers and their family loved ones.

Caregiver Connections supports Eagle County adults and their families, regardless of socio-economic status, through low- or no-cost services, programs and educational resources. We want to make Eagle County a great place in which to live...and to age!

Your gift provides meaningful respite services, educational resources and programs to help older adults age in place with the supportive care of their loved ones. This past year alone, your financial support has helped provide:

  •  >1,500 hours of Respite services through the Senior Spot adult day program, the only program in Eagle County and one of a kind throughout the Western Slope; 
  • more than 150 Care Consultations, one-on-one meetings with our Aging Life Care Specialist to understand the family's needs, provide solutions and connect them with appropriate resources and support after a challenging diagnosis; 
  • addition of a monthly Parkinson's Support Group, in addition to current twice-monthly Dementia Support Groups
  • increased usage of our FREE Medical Supply Closet, for loans of durable medical equipment; 
  • and much more. 


Caregiver Connections helps family caregivers of older adults support their loved ones aging in place, providing resources, education and respite programs that will empower them to be the best caregivers they can be.

Background Statement

Caregiver Connections was established in 2011 by a group of seniors, caregivers and business leaders who wanted to create programs and support services to help older adults to continue to live independently and thrive in Eagle County.

Building a Support System :

The relationship begins with a Care Consultation, a one-on-one meeting with an Aging Life Care Specialist, to understand the needs & concerns of the family and to help move forward and connect with appropriate resources and support. Topics may include home readiness, finding in-home care, meeting financial needs and more. The goal is to help caregivers and the care recipient get the support they need to move forward after receiving a difficult diagnosis of dementia, Parkinson's, stroke, traumatic brain injury or other conditions with cognitive impact, and to show them that there is help here in Eagle County.

The Senior Spot, our adult day respite program, allows those under care to socialize in activities like chair yoga, crafts, games, music, lunch and special outings, while giving family caregivers some much-needed time for themselves. It remains the only program in Eagle County and one of a kind throughout the Western Slope.

Educational programming includes the popular bi-monthly Aging Well Speaker Series, presented in partnership with Eagle County Healthy Aging, free and open to the public. Recent topics have included Resilience, Heart Health, Estate Planning, Decluttering & Downsizing and more.

Our free Medical Supply Closet loans out durable medical equipment like walkers, bed rails, etc. as a community resources to any who need it (aging, post-surgery, physical rehab, long-term care or other).

As an avenue of connecting caregivers to the resources they need, community support is provided through Eagle County Caregivers Classifieds, a private Facebook group connecting paid caretakers with local care recipients.

Fostering Connections:

Because the conditions that affect families don't discriminate, the organization facilitates Support Groups for Dementia and Parkinson’s, as a lifeline for families navigating these challenging diseases.

Caregiving isn't just for the elderly. Whether it's a spouse, aging parent or adult child, there are lots of questions, unknowns, fear, and anxiety. Caregiving takes a real toll on the emotional well-being, not only of the care recipient but of the caregivers as well. Caregivers Connections is here to help!

Organization Data


Organization name

Caregiver Connections : Resources for Senior Care

other names

Caregiver Connections: Resources for Senior Care, Eagle Valley Senior Life

Year Established



Human Services

Organization Size

Small Organization


PO Box 9727
Avon, CO 81620

Service areas

Eagle County, CO, US


970 445 0312



Social Media