Coloradans for the Common Good

A nonprofit organization

$12,414 raised by 66 donors

50% complete

$25,000 Goal

Coloradans for the Common Good is the product of an ongoing organizing process that began in 2015. We are a coalition of grassroots leaders spanning faith, labor, and other civic institutions. We organize through institutions because we believe that institutional affiliations are essential to both local leadership development and the preservation of a democratic society. By building public relationships centered on our mutual interests and values, we are actively growing a network of member institutions who share a passion for pursuing policies that benefit the common good.

Giving Activity


Coloradans for the Common Good (CCG) is a broad-based organization in the Front Range composed of local institutions--including faith, labor, and other civic organizations--who share a concern for families and a passion for democracy. Our members are led by their convictions, values, and faith to act in favor of the common good. CCG leaders work together to develop the civic skills and capacity to participate in political decisions that have direct bearing on their lives.

Background Statement

Being “broad-based” means we are avowedly non-partisan and intentionally diverse. Our network of grassroots leaders cuts across lines of class, religion, race, profession, and political affiliation. Rather than remain divided by our differences, we choose to build relationships for the purpose of addressing common problems affecting all working families.

A few important points about how we work:

CCG is non-partisan and will not endorse any candidate or party

CCG acts on issues identified by the local community through the process of conducting individual relational meetings and small group house meetings

CCG is led by local leaders from member institutions, with support from professional organizers who facilitate local leadership development

Funding comes primarily from member institution pledges and is supplemented by individual and grant funding

Organization Data


Organization name

Coloradans for the Common Good

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Community Improvement & Capacity Building, Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, Public & Societal Benefit, Employment, Education, Mutual & Membership Benefit, Human Services

Organization Size

Medium Organization


DENVER, CO 80224

Service areas


