Colorado Environmental Film Festival

A nonprofit organization

$7,526 raised

75% complete

$10,000 Goal

The Colorado Environmental Film Festival (CEFF) brings world-class environmental films to Colorado - inspiring environmental stewardship and fostering community connection through film. 

Colorado Environmental Film Festival Goals: 

  • Educate: Building knowledge and skills to promote environmentally relevant choices
  • Connect: Bringing together communities, individuals and filmmakers
  • Inspire: Motivating change through stewardship and action

Festival Personal Experiences

  • "What an amazing, incredibly well-organized film festival full of excellent and inspiring films! We were so incredibly impressed with everything this small festival offered and highly recommend it! We also met a lot of wonderful filmmakers and really enjoyed the downtown Golden location. We can't say enough positive things about the CEFF and we really look forward to attending again next year!
    ~ Amy Giaquinto, parent of a first-time youth filmmaker
  • "It's very educational but it's real value is how "inspirational" it is and hopeful even when confronting climate chaos." ~2023 Festival Attendee
  • "My favorite thing about CEFF is its intimacy: not a "see & be seen" sort of festival, but a real people one searching for real solutions and showcasing real issues. ~2023 Festival Attendee
  • It was a very diverse festival - audience-ages, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds, and environmental interests. I really enjoyed meeting new people and being able to talk about the movies. ~ 2023 Festival Attendee
  • My screening was a true joy. The Q and A afterward my film screening was wonderful with an engaged audience whose comments and questions were insightful and confirmed elements that I hoped would be true of my project. I highly recommend this experience and hope to attend again in the future. ~Jerry McNutt (2023 Official Selection Filmmaker)
  • My son has submitted films for three consecutive years, starting at age 11. Inclusion in the CEFF program was such a boost to him personally and academically. What a well-run event that celebrates filmmakers as they shine the light on such important environmental issues.
    ~Jennifer Riley-Chetwynd, parent of a three-time CEFF youth filmmaker
  • A huge thanks to all of the organizers, staff and volunteers of the Colorado Environmental Film Festival 2017 for creating such a powerful and riveting roster of films, as well as your warm hospitality and generosity. This is truly an eye opening, riveting festival that awakens the mind and inspires the spirit. We never imagined such an enthusiastic or intellectually sophisticated audience. You are on the cutting edge of environmental activism by having the courage and tenacity to select ground breaking and consciousness raising films. We cannot thank you enough for inviting us to screen Poisoning Paradise at your festival.
    ~Teresa Tico, Co-Producer, Co-Director Poisoning Paradise

Giving Activity


Inspiring environmental stewardship and fostering community connections through film.

Background Statement

The Colorado Environmental Film Festival has been a growing part of Colorado's cultural community since 2006, when the choice was made to base the state's first and only home-grown, international, environmental film festival in Golden. Since its founding by a dedicated core group of environmental educators, environmental filmmakers and supporters, CEFF has entertained and enlightened thousands of festival goers with hundreds of thought-provoking environmental films hailing from all over the world. While the variety and relevance of environmental issues featured in the festival changes each year, the importance of educating and inspiring attendees through film to engage in preserving and protecting their environment is always the cornerstone of the Colorado Environmental Film Festival.

Historical milestones include:

• 2006 - 1st Colorado Environmental Film Festival

• 2007 - Addition of the Community Eco-Expo Event (showcasing eco-forward organizations) to the Festival

• 2010 - Addition of the Annual Environmental Photography Exhibition into the Festival

• 2014 - Hiring of a part-time Festival Director

• 2015 - First Free Friday Films Program during the Festival to build and engage local audiences

• 2015 - First CEFF 4 Kids free school program hosted during the Festival

• 2018 - Hosted first Free Community Night on Opening Night to honor and engage local partners, leaders and businesses

• 2019 - Screened the 500th film during the Festival

• 2019 - Became a SCFD eligible and funded organization for the first time

• 2020 - Added a 4th day to feature award winning films a second time for local audiences

• 2021 & 2022 - Successfully premiered an interactive 100% virtual film festival engaging with audiences around the world!

Organization Data


Organization name

Colorado Environmental Film Festival

other names

CEFF, Golden Resource for Education Art and Theater

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Environment, Education, Arts, Culture & Humanities, Science & Technology

Organization Size

Small Organization


PO Box 491
Golden, CO 80402


PO Box 491
Golden, CO 80402

Colorado Location

PO Box 491
Golden, CO 80402

Service areas

Jefferson County, CO, US



Social Media