Ten24 Ministries empowers single parent families and trafficking survivors through support and education. This includes:
Boxed in Love - Monthly food and care box program that serves single parent families and trafficking survivors in Northern Colorado. These boxes include shelf stable items, unique care items each month, a gift card, as well as a card of encouragement.
Beauty REnewed Vocational Workshops - Twice monthly economic empowerment program where trafficking survivors are supported financially, taugh specific vocational skills such as jewelry making, making of spa products, sewing, and others. These individuals also have curriculum each meeting that helps them work towards full employment and restoration. These individuals also receive mentoring towards their own personal goals, connection with resources, and a nice warm dinner!
Anti-trafficking education - Trainings provided for youth, law enforcement, EMS, and general public to help prevent, raise awareness, and identify trafficking more successfully.
Purchase with Purpose - Selling items made by our Vocational Workshop participants to continue to help support them in their financial and healing process.