Collegiate Crossings

A nonprofit organization

$4,794 raised by 23 donors

60% complete

$8,000 Goal

We have discovered most students fear not having the money or support to apply to college and finish a degree. Our students are showing great excitement about both of these possibilities. Most have no family track record of post-secondary education, so it is our job and privilege to guide them.


Linda G...
I was so proud of my son, Chasen in high school. He did everything a mother could hope for, he was polite, compassionate, excelled in his AP classes, worked a part time job, had a nice group of friends. It became apparent this kid could really do something with his life...if only I could help. He was my first child to be applying to big schools, schools with a "name", schools that may be difficult to get in to. I was afraid I was going to miss a step as there were countless things that need to be done for college, not only in preparation but in paperwork, essays, filing dates, FASFA and things I didn't even know about. I didn't want him to miss an opportunity because I failed along the way .

Thankfully, I had Collegiate Crossings. They gave me detailed instructions every step of the way. There was no way I was going to trip up because she walked beside me the entire time.


Theresa G... I was experiencing mega stress over college prep and all the necessary steps to prepare for best college fit for my child, application process, essays, financial readiness, etc., until I contacted Collegiate Crossings. Carey will help guide you and your child through the entire process, and starting in the 9th or 10th grade is the perfect time! Don't wait until the end of your junior year like I did. Contact Collegiate Crossings for a no cost consultation and help your child get the most out of their secondary education experience!


Chase H...
I started meeting Collegiate Crossings for advice applying to college in the end of my sophomore year. Before my sessions, I knew I wasn't applying myself in school and had a 2.5 GPA. Mrs. McClure, very politely but firmly, told me that it wasn't going to cut it for the universities that I wanted to apply to. With her urging and advice, I realized how important preparing for college was and I started really trying in school and doing volunteer service, finding that I really enjoyed it. With a newfound work ethic for school and hard work, I brought my GPA up to nearly 4.0 my junior and senior years of High School. I was now a strong applicant for college because of my solid upward curve and I finally felt confident applying to colleges, compared to how unsure I had felt before meeting with Mrs. McClure.

Giving Activity


Collegiate Crossings ensures all students have access to higher education by providing counseling support and resources to successfully navigate the college planning, application, and financing processes.

Background Statement

History of Collegiate Crossings

While serving as Development Director at Habitat for Humanity, Carey McClure noticed that children of low-income families were less likely to pursue higher education, in large part because they were unfamiliar with and overwhelmed by the necessary planning, application, and financing processes. By not pursuing postsecondary training, these children face considerable barriers to obtaining a credential with true labor market value (Institute for Higher Education Policy [IHEP], Portraits, 2010).

IHEP also cited that learning beyond high school has become a basic requirement for individual success in the labor market. By 2018, it is projected that 67% of Colorado jobs will require higher education-the 5th highest percentage in the country (Georgetown Center for Education and the Workforce, Help Wanted: Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2018, 2010). Unfortunately, in both the Boulder Valley and St. Vrain Valley School Districts, lower-income and Latino high school graduates are significantly less likely to go onto college, a key indicator for comfortable and economically stable lives (Boulder County Trends, 2013).

There is a direct correlation between higher education and poverty alleviation. Providing college planning services to low-income youth provides a direct opportunity to help the workforce of tomorrow get on a path to economic self-sufficiency. McClure began college planning consulting for low-income families in May 2010; many were first-generation college applicants. Through word of mouth, families from all economic backgrounds began seeking assistance. Working part-time, she helped 75 students enter college.

In summer of 2012, McClure filed for nonprofit status and launched Collegiate Crossings full-time. 501(c)3 status was granted by the IRS in November 2013. Collegiate Crossings is the only college planning service in Colorado that expressly focuses on serving low-income, lower-middle income, first-generation students, and underserved students. In addition, the organization also helps non-traditional, adult students (often primary providers), and current college students needing additional resources to complete their education and avoid dropping out.

By the start of 2015, the Collegiate Crossings was ready to transition out of its startup phase and into a growth period. Service definition became clearer - both in who the organization serves and the makeup of service deliverables.

Today, the organization's primary clientele is made up of two categories: 1) low-income families earning 250% or less of the poverty threshold are full-sponsored in our college planning program; 2) families earning between $60,000 - $120,000 per year and qualifying for lower-middle income-families who cannot afford the $4,000-$5000 average fee charged by for-profit college planners. In either category, we seek to serve the most underserved, those who are first-generation, and those who might otherwise fall through the cracks.

In 2015, our college planning service was redefined. No longer a-la-carte, piecemeal program, it became an all-inclusive, comprehensive program with unique service aspects that capitalize on a proven formula for college graduation:

Best Fit + Proper Financing + Right Preparation = Graduation.

The organizational also define new fundraising strategies, bolstering the in-house revenue stream created by our fee paying clients and identifying a new sponsorship-focused plan of action. Collegiate Crossings investigated organization structural options to support the existing and planned growth. The board of directors completed their first-ever board self-assessment, and with the help of staff and a volunteer consultant, developed a board book that defined new governance and operations standards to support organizational growth.

In 2016, Collegiate Crossings in partnership with the St. Vrain Valley School District's Education Foundation won the prestigious Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative New Partner Program Grant for a comprehensive, three-school college planning program for low-income students. That same year, Collegiate Crossings rolled out a partnership with Cheer Central, a competitive club, to offer support to athletes. The organization also formed a partnership with Origami Owl to create opportunities for families to earn money for college or college planning services and as a way to create a college planning sponsorship fund. Collegiate Crossings also launched a college planning team in Arizona in 2016.

As 2016 came to a close, Collegiate Crossings continued to venture farther out on the precipice of change-change that will grow the organization with clarity and strategic direction, serve more clients, and change the lives of future generations.

Over the next several years, Collegiate Crossings has refined its work to consist of in-pubic and on-line workshops. There are now several on-line platforms available (Go-to-Meeting, Zoom, Skype, Facetime…) for little cost to non-profits, to facilitate this work. CC also holds tight to its unique work of one-on-one counselling and planning services. There is no such thing as 'one size fits all' as every student is unique and has needs and passions that are not held by all those seeking a post-secondary education.

Keeping the individual plan alive and vibrant is attained by using the resources of groups like Indigo, Careerfulness and Enneagram. These tools allow Collegiate Crossings to identify the best avenue for guidance. Collegiate Crossings has developed partnerships with these groups with the sole purpose of serving students

One final update… due to Covid-19, like most of the USA… normal is not normal. All services are still being offered, but delivery of those services has changed. Let's hope normalcy returns

Campaigns supporting this organization

Organization Data


Organization name

Collegiate Crossings

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Medium Organization


2571 Skyline Ct


2571 Skyline Ct
Erie, CO 80516

Service areas

Boulder County, CO, US

Weld County, CO, US





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