Colorado Ceasefire Outreach

A nonprofit organization

$32,944 raised by 163 donors

82% complete

$40,000 Goal

Colorado Ceasefire is the longest-running grassroots gun violence prevention organization in the State of Colorado. We are parents, teachers, students, community members, gun violence survivors, and others who have been working since 2000 to prevent and reduce gun violence in our state. We provide education, outreach, and legislative advocacy.

Colorado Ceasefire Outreach educates Coloradans across the state about life-saving gun violence prevention tools. We work with schools, churches, community groups, and government agencies to offer reliable, non-political information and training.

  • With our Extreme Risk Protection Order (Red Flag) Law Outreach, we spread awareness of how ERPOs work, helping people learn how to temporarily remove guns from those who may be dangerous to themselves or others.
  • Our youth leadership program is producing the next generation of leaders in the fight against gun violence.
  • Our Volunteer Program empowers people from all backgrounds to get involved and help keep their own communities safe.
  • is a hub for Colorado-based information and resources on gun violence prevention.

Our work is making a difference, and so does your help!

Please consider a donation.


Giving Activity


Colorado Ceasefire's mission is to work for freedom from gun violence. Colorado Ceasefire Outreach educates the public on the issue of gun violence prevention and works with diverse communities to educate about common sense gun safety legislation.

Background Statement

Colorado Ceasefire began in the 2000 election cycle, after the Colorado General Assembly failed to pass significant gun violence prevention laws following the Columbine High School shootings.

That's when a small group of committed individuals formed a PAC to remove legislators from office who were a block to progress. That year, six critical seats changed hands, and we felt that we had made a significant contribution. We then realized we had a voice at the capitol.

Colorado Ceasefire Outreach, a 501C3 designated arm of Colorado Ceasefire, was established in 2015. Its mission is to educate the public on gun violence prevention and help press for passage of laws that are proven to reduce gun violence. Colorado Ceasefire is the Colorado Affiliate of States United to Prevent Gun Violence.

Colorado Ceasefire has been a leader in passing laws requiring universal background checks, a ban on high capacity magazines, and keeping guns out of the hands of convicted domestic abusers. In 2019, we helped win passage of the Extreme Risk Protection Order law to allow families or law enforcement to go to court to temporarily remove guns from dangerous persons.

Our non-political education and training reach hundreds of Coloradans every year, helping students, parents, educators, and others make their homes and communities safer.

Organization Data


Organization name

Colorado Ceasefire Outreach

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Small Organization


P.O. Box 7501 Denver
Denver, CO 80207


PO Box 7501
Denver, CO 80207

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US



Social Media