Colorado Chorale

A nonprofit organization

$9,679 raised by 50 donors

100% complete

$7,500 Goal

Your gift today will help us continue our mission to provide innovative and diverse programming to our members and our audience! Thank you!


"The Colorado Chorale gives terrific concerts with a wide range of choral material. The singers have great voices and they are excited about the music It's fun to be in the audience." M.H. Aurora, CO

A wonderful and moving performance!!! --Sammy

"It was so cool hearing the music ring in Boettcher concert hall, and I know Mozart would've been proud'" K.D. ( a student aged 18 who sang the Mozart Requiem with the Chorale.)

"There are really good singers in the choir." T.H. Highlands, CO

"I will cherish in my heart the experience I had singing with the Colorado Chorale." D.S. (aged 18)

Giving Activity


The Colorado Chorale is a premier choral organization reaching out through innovative and diverse programming to artistically enrich its membership and audience.

Colorado Chorale Core Values

* Pursuing excellence in the craft and performance of music.

* Providing eclectic experiences for audiences and members.

* Respecting individual members and their contribution.

* Creating a lifelong love of singing among young people.

* Positively impacting the community.

Background Statement

Organization's History

The Colorado Chorale is the longest continually-performing choral group in the Denver Metro area. Founded in 1970, the Chorale is an independent ensemble of vocal musicians with a dynamic history of widely diverse and innovative musical repertoire encompassing cultural history as well as musical theater, jazz, and the choral classics.

Known for excellence in choral technique, diversity in programming, and collaboration with other instrumental and choral groups, the Colorado Chorale currently consists of 100 auditioned, volunteer singers representing all walks of life from college to retirement. While musical ability is a distinguishing qualification for membership, the Colorado Chorale is dedicated to its long-standing policy of non-discrimination.

Music for Life

Creating musical experiences for young and established Denver musicians is a top goal of the Chorale. We regularly challenge ourselves and other musicians from youth to adults to create exciting musical collaborations. Such performances enrich our community, enhance relationships, and help build a legacy of music understanding and appreciation for Denver's cultural future.

Nurturing Future Musical Leaders

Our internship program provides a stipend to graduate-level vocalists and helps them gain essential leadership experience in choral preparation, musicality and repertoire.

Outreach and Community

We give back to community with an outreach project at almost every concert. Our partnerships have included rojects have included fundraising for Colorado Children's Hospital, Family Promise and Samaritan House; partnerships with the Mexican Cultural Center and Denver Actors' Fund, and more.

We are grateful for the continuing support of the Science and Cultural Facilities Districts of Arapahoe, Adams, and Denver, as well as the Community First Foundation, the Beckwitt Community Choral grant received in December 2007, and many individual contributors and supporters.

Organization Data


Organization name

Colorado Chorale

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Arts, Culture & Humanities

Organization Size

Small Organization


P.0. Box 150544
Denver, CO 80215

Service areas

Jefferson County, CO, US





Social Media