John Cory PTA

A nonprofit organization

$44,097 raised by 183 donors

68% complete

$65,000 Goal

The Cory Elementary School PTA (aka John Cory PTA) is a parent run, volunteer organization whose mission is to provide financial and volunteer support to Cory Elementary School. Cory Elementary is a 1st through 5th grade school in the Denver Public School district serving neighborhood, choice and highly gifted children. Cory is a magnet site for highly gifted and talented (HGT) students. Every teacher at Cory has been trained in highly gifted education and HGT students are integrated into each classroom. 

Our approach is what makes Cory unique: each classroom contains a wonderful spectrum of learners, providing an enriched learning environment for all students.

Giving Activity


The Cory PTA is a parent run, volunteer organization whose mission is to provide financial and volunteer support to Cory Elementary School. Each year, they must raise 10% of their school's annual budget through fundraisers. All funds raised directly support their students, teachers and school community.

Cory Creed and Values

Students First: We love learning and laughter

Accountability: We grow by trying new things and learning from our mistakes

Collaboration: We embrace challenges with the courage to do our best

Equity: We show respect for our community through caring, responsible actions

Fun: We celebrate each others differences and accomplishments

Integrity: We preserve

Student First: At Cory we love learning and laughter

Background Statement

Cory is located in the Cory Merrill neighborhood in southeast Denver at 1550 South Steele Street. In the late 1940s, a man named Mr. Armstrong donated his farmland to Denver Public Schools to replace the aging Coronado School. The district then built Cory Elementary which is now listed as a historic landmark. Cory was named for John J. Cory an influential educator in Denver Public Schools.

Today Cory is a vibrant, award winning 1st - 5th neighborhood school with Cory Kinder at Stephen Knight . Cory is a magnet site for highly gifted and talented (HGT) students.

Organization Data


Organization name

John Cory PTA

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Education, Youth Development

Organization Size

Medium Organization


1550 S. Steele Street
Denver, CO 80210

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US


742424 8380



Social Media