Organization name
Creative Music Works
Tax id (EIN)
Arts, Culture & Humanities
Organization Size
Small Organization
PO Box 1574Denver, CO 80201
Denver, CO, US
Boulder, CO, US
Creative Music Works provides consistent and significant support for high quality, high caliber musical innovation. We endeavor to bring musical diversity, imagination and uniqueness to area audiences through concert performances, educational events, workshops and artist lectures.
Ron Miles, Colorado’s vanguard trumpeter, cornet player, composer, and music educator:
"At times Creative Music Works has stood alone in presenting new & vital music, and it certainly has always been a leader. I consider it one of the signatures of our community. It’s incredibly important."
Patricia Calhoun, Westword:
"CMW [is] an unsung hero of the local scene that has been bringing great, far-from-mainstream acts to town for years"
Creative Music Works connects artists to audiences, while working to inspire, educate, and challenge listeners and to cultivate the role of jazz, improvisation, and experimental music in today’s culture. Creative Music Works is a Colorado-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Our working board of directors is responsible for making the music happen. Creative Music Works is funded by members, individual and small business donations, ticket revenues, and grant and foundation money.
Since 1992, CMW Educational Outreach has arranged for clinics and performances to be held in K-12 classrooms and on college campuses. Jazz majors from the University of Denver’s Lamont School of Music, as well as other Colorado and touring artists have participated in the effort. Such efforts enable this special music to be understood and appreciated by an ever-widening audience.
Organization name
Creative Music Works
Tax id (EIN)
Arts, Culture & Humanities
Organization Size
Small Organization
PO Box 1574Denver, CO, US
Boulder, CO, US