Crossroads Ministries Usa Inc

A nonprofit organization

$458 raised by 5 donors

Crossroads Ministries USA, Inc.’s primary mission is to place trained volunteers and chaplains in skilled care centers and assisted living facilities to help meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the elderly. This is a crucial and much needed ministry because 85 percent of the residents who live in our nations care centers rarely have visitors not from family, friends, the clergy or members of the Christian Church. In addition to ongoing visits in care centers, each year we collect, assemble and distribute Christmas gifts to seniors in care centers. This year we plan to distribute 2500 gifts.


THE MISSION of Crossroads Ministries USA, Inc., a Christian, non-profit ministry, is to help meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the elderly who reside in our communities care centers.

Background Statement

To carry out our mission, much of the research and planning began in 2000. In 2002, Crossroads filed for corporate, 501 (c) (3), non-profit status in the State of Colorado and began the training and placement of volunteers in 20 care centers in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We also founded a new school in 2007 called Crossroads School of Chaplaincy. Crossroads chaplains now serve in several care centers in Colorado.

Organization Data


Organization name

Crossroads Ministries Usa Inc

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services, Religion-Related, Health Care, Military & Veterans Organizations

Organization Size

Medium Organization


5801 N UNION BLVD Ste 100

Service areas

Colorado Springs, CO, US

Monument, CO, US

Pueblo, CO, US

Woodland Park, CO, US, 80863

Littleton, CO, US