DDRC (Developmental Disabilities Resource Center)

A nonprofit organization

Support DDRC's mission and help us create more opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to participate fully in the community. Gifts of $250 or more designated to Employment Services qualify for Colorado's Enterprise Zone Tax Credit.


DDRC's work has important short and long term impacts. Our staff care for the daily health and safety of the people we serve. We help individuals and families to be fully engaged in life, and support their dreams and needs for self-determination. Additionally, our advocacy work helps shape policy and public perceptions that have far-reaching implications and benefits for the people we serve. We are gratified to make a difference."
~~ Executive Director, DDRC

DDRC has provided residential, vocational, and recreational services for my brother for 35 years. The services have provided opportunities and growth and have been delivered with quality, compassion, and professionalism. Our family is thankful to the people of DDRC.
~~ Family member of a person receiving services

One of the reasons I work here is because the individuals we serve have a way of grabbing hold of your heart and not letting go. How could anyone leave that? What has made me stay here has been and is the individuals we serve.
~~ 38 Year DDRC Employee

Participants in DDRC's free "Applied Behavioral Analysis" class on dealing with challenging behaviors; for parents, family, teachers, care givers and others shared the following testimonials:
~"I really benefited from the specific examples throughout the training. Discussing specific behavior w/ specific possible interventions was very applicable to my day-to-day interactions. Thank you!"
~"Great Presentation with suggestions that can be used in caregiving as well at home."
~"Good presentation - Able to speak to all ages. Appreciated it!"
~"Great! Much better than other ABA info sessions/training I've attended w/ other providers."


The mission of DDRC is to create opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to participate fully in the community.

Background Statement

Before the 1960's Colorado offered few options for a person with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The 1963 Colorado Community Center Law gave parents who wanted services in the community an avenue to create the Developmental Disabilities Resource Center (DDRC) in 1964.

Families urged Jeffco Schools to pilot classes for children with disabilities as early as 1961. After years of lobbying, DDRC parents spearheaded a successful vote to build state-of-the-art schools - Margaret Walters and Robert Weiland. The schools educated thousands of students until 2001 when DDRC worked with Jeffco Schools to integrate students into their neighborhood schools.

As adults moved out of the state institutions, DDRC developed residential settings and vocational options. The adult day program started in a rented greenhouse and soon grew into pre-vocational training, community participation and supported community employment options. In 1972 DDRC opened its first group home for seven men-Desserich. DDRC's residential services have expanded to include host homes, apartment settings, group homes and the family caregiver option.

DDRC's early intervention program that started when Colorado began to fund these services in 1975, has now grown to serving almost 800 infants and toddlers and their families each month. Services to support families of children with disabilities began in the early 1990's when family support legislation was passed. Since then DDRC has been able to serve hundreds of children and support their families through various "waiver" and state funded programs. In 1986 resource coordination services were reorganized independently from program services. Everyone eligible for services has a resource coordinator for information and referral, service planning and monitoring. In the 1990's service agencies began to develop and contract with DDRC, greatly increasing service capacity, service models, choice of providers and individual options.

To serve more people off the waiting list, DDRC piloted the concept of supported living in 1992. Today it serves more than 500 adults with individualized plans to meet specific needs when living on their own or in their family home. With Jefferson County mill levy funds DDRC has developed a behavior health team, the self-determination initiative and a recreation program offering a variety of leisure time activities, sports and Special Olympics.

From serving 60 children and adults in 1964, DDRC has grown into a large 501(c)3 nonprofit providing comprehensive and support services to more than 4,000 individuals and their families in Jefferson, Clear Creek, Gilpin and Summit Counties. DDRC remains focused on the values of Quality, Dignity, and Choice.

We have the following Vision Statements:

DDRC provides easy access to person-centered, quality services and supports.

DDRC is a leader in providing a quality work environment.

DDRC partners with our community to increase participation and expand opportunities for people with disabilities.

DDRC inspires the citizens of Colorado to welcome people with disabilities in all areas of life.

Organization Data


Organization name

DDRC (Developmental Disabilities Resource Center)

other names

DDRC, Jefferson County Community Center for Developmental Disabilities

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services

Organization Size

Large Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Enterprise Zone Credit


11177 West 8th Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80215

Service areas

Jefferson County, CO, US





Social Media