Background Statement
To date, DAWG Nation has provided over $5.3 million in financial support to families in their time of need. With additional funding partners and donors, we can reach more families. As we have grown, so have the number of recipient requests and the services these families need from their community to thrive again. Whether it is helping a disabled veteran get into sled hockey, a widow pay her bills as she is expecting her second child, a father fighting cancer to extend his life, a scholarship for two daughters left alone when their only parent has passed, or a burn victim recover with his spouse at his side, DAWG Nation will use these grant dollars to both help the recipient with the financial burden, but also provide the services that recipient needs to best recover.
DAWG Nation has an fourteen year history of creating and mobilizing a resourceful community around families in need to make their lives better. We pride ourselves on our ability to GIVE Back. Throughout our history, we have faced numerous tragedies and seemingly insurmountable obstacles alongside our recipients. We have witnessed firsthand the power of a community coming together to do what others said couldn't be done. With the help of organizations, companies and individual donors, we will continue the work of making the world a better place one recipient at a time.
Our help and assistance doesn't end with a check presentation or with the delivery of the important services we provide as we continue to walk alongside our recipients. Often times when our recipients have moved through their circumstances, they become donors, volunteers, and ambassadors for Dawg Nation, a touching tribute to how grateful they feel for the help they received when they needed it the most.