Dementia Together

A nonprofit organization

$87,127 raised

87% complete

$100,000 Goal

The dementia journey can be overwhelming, but no one has to walk it alone.

As the women of Dementia Together reflect on why they are thankful for the work they do, the words, "hope" and "joy" are consistently voiced. Dementia Together is a nonprofit organization which is indeed focused on cultivating joy while building stronger connections for those living with dementia, their care partners, families, and the community.

Cyndy Luzinski, executive director of Dementia Together, shares, "I may not have been grateful at the time when my own dad experienced dementia, but I am surely grateful that our journey led me to discover the SPECAL® method that we teach for promoting life-long well-being for anyone with dementia. Being able to leverage my dad's experience and make it count for the greater good by sharing SPECAL® with others is a privilege. I'm thankful for every interaction where we get to see "ah-ha" moments of relief and hope when people learn about the simple dementia care method we share."

Dementia Togethers team includes several staff who have been personally touched by dementia. Knowing firsthand the impact that the SPECAL® method makes, promotes an eagerness to share the mission of Dementia Together to anyone who will listen.  

Through EDUCATION and ENRICHMENT (offered at no charge to participants so that cost is never a barrier to finding support), we make living well with dementia the expectation, not the exception. 

"Your education has been lifechanging for me in the way I care for my dad."

"You have helped me all along the way, made my life better in every facet of dealing with my mother, and have been available to me any time I have needed you."

How We Help:

Dementia Together offers many programs to help those living with dementia, their care partners, families, and our community.

Education:  We teach care partners, health care professionals, senior communities, and businesses counter intuitive strategies from the SPECAL® method. The SPECAL method can be learned and used by anyone who cares for a person with dementia. This approach to dementia care and advocacy is what enables us to become recognized as the local “in the meantime” organization, helping people discover that “in the meantime,” until cures for the various causes of dementia are found, we can make life changing differences NOW for people striving to live well with dementia. 

Enrichment: We offer several programs to provide social engagement, support and involvement for those living with dementia and their care partner.

Monthly Meal Drops: A monthly meal delivered to our participants to check in, let them know we care and also to provide respite for the care partners - giving them a night off of cooking. Dementia Together partners with local restaurants to purchase meals that are delivered by our amazing team of volunteers.

Memory Cafes: Themed social gatherings for those living with dementia and their care partner, that include reminiscing, laughter, music, fun and snacks. No matter the theme the agenda is always JOY.


The mission of Dementia Together is to create communities in which no one walking the dementia journey has to walk alone.

Background Statement

Dementia Together started as a grassroots, collaborative, local initiative with one memory cafe in 2014 and the B Sharp Arts Engagement® program in 2015 and became a 501c3 in January 2017. Through education and enrichment, we make living well with dementia the expectation, not the exception. We lead and support innovative efforts to enhance well-being and hope.

In 2023 the BBB awarded Dementia Together the Torch Award for Ethics. Cyndy Luzinski, was also awarded by Biz West the Executive Director of the year. With increasing demand, Dementia Together has grown its team from a small but mighty 4 full time staff to 8 by the end of 2023. Our efforts to increase community knowledge have expanded to providing SPECAL education to Larimer County Sheriff's department, Thompson Valley EMS and the Loveland Fire Department.

Organization Data


Organization name

Dementia Together

other names

Dementia Together, Dementia-Friendly Communities of Northern Colorado

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Public & Societal Benefit

Organization Size

Medium Organization


4025 Automation Way Suite F2
Fort Collins, CO 80525


4025 Automation Way Suite F2
Fort Collins, CO 80525


4025 Automation Way Suite F2
Fort Collins, CO 80525

Service areas

Larimer County, CO, US

Weld County, CO, US


Boulder County, CO, US




Social Media