Denver Institute for Faith and Work

A nonprofit organization

$42,326 raised by 77 donors

Hope. Life. These words are full of meaning for daily work, humanity, and Jesus.

Work, from the beginning, was always about life. When God made humanity in his image, he did so as a worker himself who had brought life from chaos. His first words to humanity were to continue his work, cultivating creation to be the fruitful, life-giving world God intended. 

When humanity rebelled against their Creator, the relationship between work and life changed. Work was still meant to bring life, but now it was harder, less fruitful, and had the possibility of producing death and decay. 

Now, the life of the world feels at risk. Hope for our work to bring life is lost. 

This is why Jesus made his purpose clear in John 6:51 when he said he came to offer himself “for the life of the world.” What did he mean by life? He makes another statement about life just a few chapters later in John 10:10 that helps us understand what he meant. He came to give “life to the full.” The fullness of life is what God intended from the beginning and what he promises in the end. 

Flourishing, shalom, the reconciliation of all things, bringing heaven to earth, redemption, the new Jerusalem, and thriving - what do they all have in common? Other than being words typically used in the faith and work movement, they all describe “life to the full.” 

In Christ, there is hope for the world and there is hope for work to bring life to the world.

Those in Christ follow Jesus’ lead in offering their lives “for the life of the world” so that every life can experience the kind of life Jesus came to bring, “life to the full.” 

When they do so, it gives society the most compelling vision and purpose for work imaginable.


"Partnering with Denver Institute for Faith & Work was a no-brainer for us. To see the city transformed by the power of the gospel will require every member of our church to have a renewed vision for work. A vision where people see their work and faith integrated, not separate."
- Matt Patrick, teaching and lead pastor at The Well


We see a future where every person's work brings hope and life to their city. Denver Institute prepares people to serve God and others in their daily work so that workplaces and cities are transformed.

Background Statement

DIFW was founded by Jeff Haanen in 2012 and began hosting public events and vocation groups to engage men and women around issues of work, calling, and culture. While those remain core efforts, we have expanded to provide a range of ways for Christians along the Front Range to think theologically about their work, including a church partnership network and a nine-month professional and spiritual development fellowship.

Organization Data


Organization name

Denver Institute for Faith and Work

other names

Denver Institute for Faith and Work, DIFW

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Medium Organization


8100 E. Arapahoe Rd. Ste 303
Centennial, CO 80112

Service areas

Arapahoe County, CO, US



Social Media