Background Statement
Denver Justice and Peace Committee (DJPC) was founded in late 1976 in response to the National Catholic Bishops’ Call to Action. DJPC expanded and incorporated in 1979, as an interfaith membership-based organization addressing global injustice in developing countries. One of its first projects was participating in the international boycott of the Nestle Corporation for its unethical marketing of infant formula in the Third World.
In 1984, DJPC supported a campaign against Western Airlines for its cooperation in the deportation of Salvadorans. Soon after that DJPC promoted a campaign to declare the City of Denver a sanctuary for Central American refugees. Through the rest of the decade and into the 1990s, DJPC has continued to work in solidarity with the people of Latin America by sponsoring educational programs, lobbying elected officials, and promoting action campaigns.
DJPC's vision is to emphasize people-to-people solidarity, it's priority is to bring the voices of the most affected, demonstrating our commitment to walk in solidarity with them.