Early Childhood Partners

A nonprofit organization

Working to ensure all children have high quality early childhood experiences. Check us out at
www.ECPartners.org Become a Partner.
Goals:To coordinate goals, activities and resources for early childhood educators including parents of young children.
To provide information to parents and teachers about child care and child development.
To improve the quality of early childhood services available to families in our community.


I really recomend this program, is really helpfull. Show me a lot of good tools to be a better parent, help me understand my child. Teach you a better way to address situacions in life. I am a first time mom and i did learn a lot from this program. But i saw parent the has 2 or more kida also and the program and they say was helpfull for them too. -Erica Ross

My husband and I are taking the "Incredible Years" parenting class from Early Childhood Partners; it has been life changing and permanently altered our home life in how we interact with our children and each other. We have learned so many important skills from this talented and supportive team that has answered our many questions and given us a new direction that can only improve the relationship we have with our children and positively influence their future. We are so thankful to have this parenting advice and leadership available to us! -j_hursey

I am a preschool teacher in Eagle County. The help I have received in my classroom and with many of my kids has been life changing, they have always treated me and my school with respect. Their knowledge and assistance in the early childhood department is extensive, I always feel like they can assist me with any problem or concern. -ecarillo

I am the director of the Vail Child Care Center. I have been working with Early Childhood Partners for several years. Their partnership has helped me tremendously in providing a high quality program not only for our children and their families, but also a quality, pride-filled environment for the staff. They have helped me in so many ways; such as, to prepare for the Qualistar Rating, to assist me in writing quality improvement grants, to enhance my staff training, to provide social/emotional support, to inform us about available grants, to provideus with materials for the classroom and/or for parents, to provide parenting trainings. They even attend and support our fundraising activities. My 'partner' in Early Childhood Partners has been there for me whenever a need arises. I truly could not do what I do without her support.
Cindy Lagace

I have a wonderful daughter who was displaying some really challenging behaivor. I took the incredible years parenting class (2X), which was very helpful in developing skills for the entire family to use. Also, I was able to untilize the early childhood partners program to access an entire team of professionals. These individuals provided my family with several tools to use in helping my daughter to manage her emotional skills, therefore allowing her to move through all situations in life with ease. We are so thankful for this program and all it has done for our family!

My husband and I took a series of parenting classes with Early Childhood Partners. We found it to be relaxed, comfortable, and very informative. We learned a lot from the teachers, but also found it to be a great venue to discuss issues and brainstorm solutions with classmates. The teachers made a great team, and seemed to enjoy teaching the class. -Pavan K.

Early Childhood Partners, and in particular, the "Incredible Years" parenting class they put on is phenomenal. We are 6 weeks into the 14 week class and, already, they have fundamentally changed the way my wife and I look at parenting our sometimes-challenging 3 year old son. We always prided ourselves as being loving and nurturing parents but this class and the experienced instructors have provided us with greater tools and understanding which has allowed us to focus more on an ounce of prevention rather than a pound of cure (i.e. effective punishment…which was my original motivation for attending the class in the first place). By applying lessons learned in the class we've improved our relationship with our son and with each other. Not to mention, because of the class, we strongly feel as though we are better helping our son to have improved success as he continues to navigate life's challenges. Thank you Emily & Julia!

The Eagle Valley Child Care Association has worked with Early Childhood Partners for over 10 years. Annually, director staff meet with Early Childhood Partners to identify goals and mentoring needs at individual sites. Consultants work directly with our teachers and mentor them to find solutions to address environmental issues in the classroom and develop strategies for working with individual children who need more support in the classroom...


To educate, cultivate and integrate all who care for young children by supporting families and early learning environments in our community so that every child can thrive.

Background Statement

Early Childhood Partners (ECP) is a group of professionals who specialize in the early years of child development when support has the biggest impact on lifelong success. Our goal is to increase quality in all early childhood environments with a focus on improving social and emotional skills in children, teachers, caregivers, and families. Highly qualified and experienced in the area of early childhood, the ECP team is able to bring the most current information on what is considered best practice for children birth to 8 years old.

The Coaching and Consultation project started in 2000 with funding from Eagle County Health and Human Services. It has served thousands of children and their families from various socio-economic backgrounds and has ongoing involvement with more than 15 childcare programs annually. Each program identifies their own goals and works with ECP to design a program that enhances the quality of their program.

Organization Data


Organization name

Early Childhood Partners

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Youth Development

Organization Size

Large Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Child Care Credit


P.O. BOX 8545
Avon, CO 81620

Service areas

Eagle County, CO, US



Social Media