Early Childhood Partnership of Adams County

A nonprofit organization

$4,008 raised by 16 donors

80% complete

$5,000 Goal

Adams County is the state’s 5th largest county serving a population of 500,000+ residents and accounts for more than 10% of the state’s population of children under the age of 5.

    ECPAC's Mission: Building a community where all young children, their families and early childhood professionals can reach their full potential.

ECPAC's Vision: All children, their families and early childhood professionals are valued, healthy, and thriving.

ECPAC's Ultimate Goal: All Adams County children enter school healthy and ready to 
learn and succeed.


(New Family Child Care Home that launched with support from ECPAC, May 2023).

Cultivating an Effective Early Childhood Ecosystem 

The Early Childhood Partnership of Adams County is cultivating an effective early childhood ecosystem for children from birth through age five and their families in Adams County. We define an effective early childhood ecosystem as one where every child and family in Adams County has equitable access to the high-quality and affordable services and supports they need to thrive. The Early Childhood Partnership of Adams County is one of 35 early childhood councils tasked by state legislation to help local communities do this important work effectively. 

Whole Community Collaborative Impact  

Cultivating an effective early childhood ecosystem requires whole community collaborative impact. This means we collaborate with everyone who has an impact on a child’s life in their first five years and beyond, including those who care for children, those who support children, those who teach children and those who invest in children. Most importantly, we include parents and families in all of our work because they are a child’s most important caregivers, supporters, teachers and investors. Together our work strengthens the connections between these groups, fills the gaps in resources and increases the quality of care, services, support and education for children and families. 

Investing in the Early Years is Important 

When we invest in early childhood as a whole community, we create better outcomes for each child, each family, our community and our state. Research shows from birth through age five, a child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life. When children and their families have equitable access to high quality care and education, they are better prepared for kindergarten, do better in school and are healthier throughout their lifetime. While parents are working hard to support their children, no single person or organization can provide everything a child needs to be healthy, to learn, to succeed in school and to thrive in the long term.  


"ECPAC is like a load-bearing wall you can't be without. We have a lot of support walls, but definitely the biggest portion of support, connection, and partnership comes through ECPAC for us." 
-Michelle Dalbotten, Step by Step

"Thank you, thank you for believing in me and for giving the opportunity to know that I am important and my voice counts!" -Family Partner involved in one of our Action Teams

"I have been a licensed home provider since 2011... with no connections at all other than my licensing specialist. In 2016, I... came across the ECPAC website... now... 8 years later and [I still have] my coach which I am so thankful for... she empowers me with her knowledge that I even went back to school and earned my bachelor's degree in ECE. Without her coaching, encouragement, and helping I would be a level one probably and [have none of the] relationships I have now, possibly not even a provider. I forever be thankful for the support I have received." 
-FCCH Provider

"Without their help we would have had more turnover, been burn out, provided low-quality of care and had low self-esteem. Mental Health Consultants are not just for the children but for the educators too. So, with all my heart and soul, THANK YOU!! The world needs more of you!" 
-ECE Program

"I am delighted with all the classes that ECPAC has offered us here [in Commerce City]. What I like the most is that I have met many people and we have different experiences and stories we share with each one of the participants." 
-A Family, translated from Spanish  

"ECPAC has worked hard to engage with the community, families, health systems, community supports, and diverse partnerships across Adams County to make this work and meeting successful. 
-Community Partner Organization

"I don't feel as lost as I once did. I feel more confident, especially because I know (my care navigator) is there. I can call her and she is there. I feel supported. I know I can count on her whenever any issues come up. She is willing to help me." 
-Elizabet, mother of three


Building a community where every young child, their family and early childhood professionals can reach their full potential.

Background Statement

ECPAC, a 501(c)(3) founded in 2004, is the official Early Childhood Council serving Adams County, Colorado. Through legislation, ECPAC is charged to enhance the system serving young children by improving equitable access to affordable, high-quality services in early learning, health/mental health, and family support and education. ECPAC serves Adams County children and families through two main strategies: 1) leading and engaging in partnership-driven policy and systems change, and 2) providing direct services to support early learning programs (through quality improvement coaching, early childhood mental health consultation, pre-licensing support, and career navigation) and families (through care navigation/classes). The ECPAC partnership includes 139 partners from 54 community and governmental organizations, Elected Officials, and 20 Family Partners. Our staff currently consists of 25 part- and full-time professionals.

Organization Data


Organization name

Early Childhood Partnership of Adams County

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Large Organization


8859 Fox Drive, Suite 205
Thornton, CO 80260

Service areas

Adams County, CO, US



Social Media