End of the Trail Rescue, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

$14,715 raised by 80 donors

100% complete

$0 Goal

Our capacity has dramatically increased over the last few years, and we are now accommodating more horses than ever before. Individuals are reaching out to us as we are one of the few rescues that will answer the phone or call back. The need for our help is evident to the calls we are getting.


Our capacity has increased in recent years, and we are now accommodating more horses at a time. Individuals are reaching out to us as we are one of the few rescues that will answer the phone or call back. The need for our growth is underattended as we have not been able to take a fraction of the horses needing our help this year.
This letter is a testament to the quality of End of the Trail Rescue and Dream Catcher Therapy Center. I am one of the primary veterinarians that works for both organizations. The organizations are reputable, transparent and valuable in the community. They serve a much needed purpose for horses and people in the Western region of Colorado. If they could expand and provide additional services to more horses and people, it would be a great benefit.
Additionally, Kathy Hamm, the executive director of both organizations, is professional, educated and fiercely compassionate about helping the animals and people of the community. I have complete confidence in her ability to provide exceptional care for the horses, and oversee all administrative and clinical aspects of End of the Trail Rescue
Dr. A. Nolfi DVM
As a mixed animal vet who travels to clients in 4 counties and 6 towns, I have seen my share of 'animal rescuers'. For the most part, all have good intentions but little common sense, experience or know how. At times, the animals suffer because of these deficits, despite all those good intentions.
Kathy Hamm and her organization are the exception to that rule.

Her facility, staff and program is run based on sound animal health principles and practice. The animals in her care are carefully assessed, treated with a range of modalities, and placed into therapy work in a way that is beneficial to both human and animal. At Dreamcatchers, each animal is given appropriate nutrition , medication, housing, exercise and other attention to improve and maintain a high quality of life - even in the animal's twilight years and/or despite previous abuse.
Kathy Hamm is that rare individual who simultaneously possesses decades of experience with equestrian culture, equine health and the practicalities of equine maintenance as well as the idealism and vision to help both horses and the differently-abled humans who love them.
Dr. Dally DVM
I have been working for Dreamcatchers Therapy Center as their veterinarian for 6 years. I have watched them grow from a small organization that touched a select few in the community to an organization that has a very important roll in our community.
Dr. Shull


Offer horses a second chance to be cared for, nurtured, and valued; provide shelter and

humane treatment to horses that have been abused, neglected, or unwanted; and educate the

community on animal abuse and how and where to report it.

Background Statement

End of the Trail Rescue (EOTTR) has been rescuing and rehabilitating horses in western Colorado since

2006. End of the Trail Rescue was originally a DBA under the non-profit Dream Catcher Therapy Center

(DCTC). In 2016, End of the Trail Rescue established itself as an independent non-profit in order to

preserve the long-term viability of the horse rescue and ensure a legacy for the horses. Dream Catcher

Therapy Center continues to be a strong partner by sharing facilities and personnel, and by providing

meaningful work for the horses.

Currently, EOTTR serves the needs of over 60 horses annually.

Organization Data


Organization name

End of the Trail Rescue, Inc.

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Medium Organization


5814 Hwy 348
OLATHE, CO 81425-9714


5814 Hwy 348 5814 HIGHWAY 348
OLATHE, CO 81425-9714


5814 HIGHWAY 348
OLATHE, CO 81425-9714

Service areas

Montrose County, CO, US

