We would like to introduce you to the success story for Ayla as told by her family. Our journey with early intervention started in August 2021, when our daughter, Ayla, was not meeting typical developmental stages so her pediatrician led us to the evaluation process, where we first met our OT Randia! After that, we determined that Ayla would start Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy once a week. Randia and Stacy, PT were incredible in helping us navigate Ayla’s needs that eventually led us to getting her glasses and a diagnosis of Turner Syndrome. As time progressed, more was learned about Turner syndrome, early intervention, and her therapists did such a great job navigating the things that worked for Ayla and things that did not. They also supported my husband and I by helping us support Ayla and things we could try at home. In 2022, we learned the Ayla had developmental hip dysplasia and would need surgery and 10 weeks recovering in a spica cast. We made it through and in February 2023, Ayla was self-feeding and by April 2023 was walking unassisted again!! She started speech therapy in August 2022 and after ear tube surgery in August 2023 her speech skyrocketed and a previous early intervention therapist that now works in the school district was shocked to see and hear how much she was talking. Her progress has been inspiring and we would not be where we are today without the help of our incredible therapists, our Service Coordinator, Stephanie, and EI. We are forever grateful to this amazing service for families! Thank you! Ayla is thriving in preschool, is getting more social and loves seeing her friends at school and birthday parties! :)
Check out a short video of Ayla and her success here!
The Envision Art Program not only teaches skills and tools to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to create amazing artwork, it provides an opportunity for people to communicate and express their feelings, especially for people who communicate differently. Many people we support do not use words, or have limited vocabulary to communicate. Art allows an outlet for communicating and is very therapeutic. Additionally, many artists earn an income through their artwork since 65% of original art sales go to the artist, and 35% comes back to the program. Bernadette is one of the artists who is proud of the amazing artwork she has created.
Competitive, integrated supported employment is one the best things to help people with IDD develop competent skills and high self-esteem. Competitive, integrated, and meaningful employment provides the financial security necessary for a quality life and also provides opportunities to build skills, create meaningful relationships, and find meaning and purpose in what they do. Additionally, we believe that all people can positively contribute to the economy, help meet unmet needs of businesses, and be responsible members of our community; everybody has strengths and can contribute! This is Ashley, receiving Job Coaching from one of our Supported Employment Specialists, Becky.
