When you support FFSN®, you provide better health outcomes for vulnerable families! You help ALL families receive the respectful, neutral, and compassionate care they deserve. You empower healthcare professionals to set aside personal bias and address unique patient needs in a sensitive manner.
In addition to educational services, Family to Family Support Network® connects hospitals and medical professionals with community resources to provide a network for families to utilize before, during and after delivery. I believe that the Unique Families Program® fills a critical gap in the hospital care model.
-- former House Representative from Colorado's Sixth Congressional District
Just thinking about the needs of unique families is a new perspective for me. I have never considered that the way we discuss motherhood/ intrapartum/postpartum care and the teaching materials we use could be disrespectful or noninclusive.
-- Sherree, RN
Becoming more knowledgeable about these unique family issues makes for better patient outcomes and saves money as a nation.
-- veteran nurse trained by Family to Family Support Network