Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism-CO Chapter

A nonprofit organization

3% complete

$10,000 Goal

Identity-based programs and practices that fixate on immutable characteristics have polarized our society and undermined the valuable progress we’ve made over the past half century. The divisive ideology underlying these policies has also driven a shift away from classical liberal values. Erosion of the core principles of universal equality and non-discrimination have encouraged decision makers to adopt strategies that promote equity of outcomes by treating some groups differently, and often more favorably, than others.

FAIR aims to reverse this trend with a dual approach: (1) through litigation that ensures diversity and inclusion efforts are non-discriminatory and (2) instigating a cultural shift at the grassroots level that celebrates a broad range of individual traits, talents and experiences and emphasizes equality of opportunity, not outcome. Our legal “wins” will lay the critical foundation to preserve classical liberal values, but we will also drive an organic shift in hearts and minds for long term, maximum impact.

FAIR's work builds upon Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of a society that treats all human beings equally, regardless of their immutable characteristics or identity group, fosters diversity without division, and advances his dream of a better life for all.


The Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism ("FAIR")is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to challenging threats to civil liberties from identity-based practices.

FAIR advocates for all individuals denied equal protection, free expression, and other fundamental rights, regardless of their personal background or immutable characteristics.

FAIR's work, from legal advocacy to grassroots organization, promotes a pro-human culture based on our shared values of universal equality, fairness, understanding, and common humanity.

Organization Data


Organization name

Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism-CO Chapter

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy

Organization Size

Large Organization


2118 Gold Dust Ln
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Service areas



303 667 1931

Social Media