Friends of the Pine River Public Library

A nonprofit organization

The Pine River Library is developing a new program for seniors named “Learn Over Lunch.” Your donations will be used to implement this monthly program which includes the provision of healthy lunches purchased from local restaurants, guest speakers on topics of interest to seniors, and materials associated with the monthly topics. It is hoped this program will help seniors regroup after losses and isolation endured during the pandemic. In addition to the promotion of life-long learning, the program is designed to increase and renew socialization among seniors.


Pine River Library is so blessed to have the ongoing support of our Friends of the Library. They are a wonderful community of dedicated volunteers who provide a cheerful and willing support system for our many activities and programs. The Friends are always looking for opportunities to raise money; enabling us to provide our community with many things that would otherwise be outside of our budget. For example they fund year-round after school snacks for hungry children, a subscription to a national newspaper & supplies for our library frogs and snake! I truly don't know what we would do without our wonderful Friends!
- Brenda Marshall, Pine River Public Library Director


Our mission is to provide both manpower and fiscal assistance to the Pine River Public Library. We have five specific purposes:

• Maintain an association of persons interested in libraries;

• Focus public attention on the library's resources and services;

• Receive and encourage gifts, endowments and bequests to the library;

• Support and cooperate with the library in developing library service and facilities for the community; and

• Support the freedom to read as expressed in the American Library Association Bill of Rights.

Background Statement

The Friends of the Pine River Public Library (FOL) was incorporated on 3/29/93 under the law of Colorado. We started as a small group of dedicated library lovers and have continued to grow in both size and dedication over the years.

As a 100% volunteer organization, the FOL provides both manpower and fiscal support to the award-winning Pine River Library (PRL). Our manpower support involves providing assistance at library events, stocking community bookshelves, and sorting donated books to determine how to best use them to promote literacy and entertainment. Our fiscal support provides the library with items that extend beyond their operating budget (e.g., special library programs, after-school snacks for hungry youth, scholarships, CPR training supplies, science center maintenance, and library furnishings.

Based on recent interviews with more than 70 community members, increased and/or renewed connection with others was identified as a high need area. During the recent pandemic, isolation took a major toll on feelings of well being that was particularly notable among senior community members.

Thus, we are asking you to donate on Colorado Gives Day to help us develop a new senior program named “Learn Over Lunch” or LOL. Monthly luncheons with food purchased from local restaurants and with guest speakers on topics of interest to seniors will take place at the library. It is hoped this new program will offer opportunities for improved mental health, increased socialization, life-long learning, and healthy food for our seniors.

Organization Data


Organization name

Friends of the Pine River Public Library

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Small Organization


395 Bayfield Center Drive
Bayfield, CO 81122


P.O. Box 227 Friends of the Bayfield Library
Bayfield, CO 81122

Service areas

La Plata County, CO, US



Social Media