Background Statement
The Grand Lake Area Historical Society (GLAHS) was formed in 1973 specifically to preserve, restore and interpret the Kauffman House, an 1892 Victorian rustic hotel.
Since its founding, the GLAHS continues to be a totally volunteer organization, still with no paid staff, but with an ever-increasing commitment to the community. Over the years, GLAHS has been working to encourage preservation efforts in the community, to increase awareness and develop appropriate policies. Even as we maintain and operate the Kauffman House and Cottage Court Museums, and the newly restored Eslick Store, of particular recent importance has been the enhancement of the Cottage Court History Park, a much-needed gathering place for historic presentations, education and events.
Funding for our many projects and operating costs is obtained from admissions to the museums, membership dues, annual and special fund raising events, grants, volunteer efforts and in-kind contributions, and especially the generous donations of many friends of history.
The sign on Highway 34 as you come into town reads "Welcome to Historic Grand Lake". The town's main economy is tourism and especially Heritage Tourism, and the Grand Lake Area Historical Society works very hard to ensure that the fascinating history of the area is made accessible to everyone, and continues to be meaningful.