Gold Belt Tour Scenic and Historic Byway Association, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

Make a difference, assist the byway in conserving the open space and promoting the beauty of our region, plus educating residents and visitor of the rich gold rush history and culture.


As the owner and operator of Colorado Jeep Tours I have to say the the Scenic Gold Belt through Phantom Canyon and along Shelf road is one of the most beautiful tours we do. Without the work that the Gold Belt committee does I fear that this resource could be wasted. I fully support the Gold Belt committee and would be happy to answer any questions about the committee.

Will Colon
Colorado Jeep Tours

The Gold Belt Tour scenic and historic byways serves as a model for collaboration in conservation among Colorado's communities. Thousands of acres of scenic views and wildlife habitat have been conserved along the byway, ensuring that the reasons the Gold Belt was designated as a National Scenic Byway and a Colorado Scenic and Historic Byway continue to exist for generations to come.

Amanda Hill
Land Trust Community


The Gold Belt Tour Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization is dedicated to preserving the rural lifestyle, natural environment, and rich cultural and historic heritage along the byway. The association is a cooperative collaboration of individuals, businesses, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations. Through education and outreach the association shares the byway with the world!

Background Statement

The Gold Belt Tour Byway was designated a BLM Back Country Byway in 1989 and then a State Scenic and Historic Byway the same year. At that time a Steering Committee was appointed, that group of about 40 concerned citizens and governmental officials laid out the goals, visions and partnership plan for the Gold Belt Tour. This plan was completed and signed in 1997.

After that group completed its work, a slightly smaller group took on the task of forming the organization. This group signed the incorporation papers in fall of 1998 and became registered with the state of Colorado in Feb of 1999. They then received 501(c)(3) non-profit status in March of 2000 while designated a National Scenic Byway in June 2000.

The initial 15 person board comprised of folks representing the communities, counties and important stakeholders along the byway. The board set up a schedule of meeting 4 times a year, this continues today. In 2013 the bylaws were changed to have a 18 person board instead, the original bylaws did not allow all community representative to vote at each meeting, so the board make up was changed to correct that inconsistency.

Over the past 27 years the Gold Belt Tour has completed over 2½ million dollars worth of projects.

Organization Data


Organization name

Gold Belt Tour Scenic and Historic Byway Association, Inc.

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Small Organization


6778 County Road 102
Guffey, CO 80820

Service areas

Park County, CO, US


719-689-2461 n/a